So lack of sleep and increase in worries have been the story of my life... i soooo wish i could leave my work at work -- some say that's what makes me a decent ATC, IDK if I agree tho..
Anyways -- March Madness started.. my bracket is doing alright.. I'm in first place in all three pools i'm in!! We will see how long that will last...
The weather was absolutely amazing yesterday = amazing day to sit out at baseball practice. Then I had an amazing dinner with a dear friend.. lil miss Kathy Wood (soon to be Vossmer!! i hope i spelled that correctly??) She is such a wonderful person. Always has great insight about life and is a wonderful spiritual friend. She brightens my day!!
Today baseball takes on UMSL and shadybrady/mario.. I heard they are really really bad this year, so hopefully we can sweep this 4 game set and get on the right track! Good luck my lil baseballers...
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
surgery day...
my lil buddy tyler is having surgey today.. yep he is fractured and he is getting it fixed and hopefully he will be back next season throwing CHEDDD!

I forgot to mention the best part of my break was my mid afternoon date with just.jeff!! b.dubs on thursday and super funny convo's... and just.jeff!! he is CRAZY and sooo funny -- you just never know what he is going to say or do.. and he brings us ice cream when we are sad!! This is just one of the crazy things he does that just makes us love him to pieces!
Please keep tyler in your prayers!
I forgot to mention the best part of my break was my mid afternoon date with just.jeff!! b.dubs on thursday and super funny convo's... and just.jeff!! he is CRAZY and sooo funny -- you just never know what he is going to say or do.. and he brings us ice cream when we are sad!! This is just one of the crazy things he does that just makes us love him to pieces!
Please keep tyler in your prayers!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Spring break was last week, and it was anything but a break..
baseball had Monday vs Wayne St... win.
Tuesday practice
Wednesday vs Bellarmine... loss
Thursday practice
Friday vs. Indy... loss
Saturday vs. Indy... win
Sunday vs Kentucky Wesleyan... split.. we are 11-7.. not to great for us..
My parents and aunt and uncle came to town Friday.. It was great spending time with them, it was a short trip and me having games didn't allow for a ton of family time. But it's always great seeing them.
This week school is back in session.. I'm behind on grading, lectures, and basically everything for my class... but will get a lil time to catch up this afternoon -- I'm taking it off!! Whoooohoo!!
baseball had Monday vs Wayne St... win.
Tuesday practice
Wednesday vs Bellarmine... loss
Thursday practice
Friday vs. Indy... loss
Saturday vs. Indy... win
Sunday vs Kentucky Wesleyan... split.. we are 11-7.. not to great for us..
My parents and aunt and uncle came to town Friday.. It was great spending time with them, it was a short trip and me having games didn't allow for a ton of family time. But it's always great seeing them.
This week school is back in session.. I'm behind on grading, lectures, and basically everything for my class... but will get a lil time to catch up this afternoon -- I'm taking it off!! Whoooohoo!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010's kinda.pretty.much my life right now
This weekend of baseball was boLth wonderful and sad... We'll start with the wonderful - Coach Weaver (far right) was in town!! On Friday afternoon we played Parkside (Coach Weav's team). Tyler got the start, lasting about 2 innings before he couldn't handle the pain any more. So he is going to red-shirt this year. So PLEASE keep him in your prayers, for anyone that is a competitor knows sitting out from what you love is the worst thing that could ever happen. Anyways -- Coach Weav's team took it to us Friday night. They played lights out and well, we didn't. This was by far one of the worst game's I've ever seen, but yeah, Weav 1 Arch 0.
Saturday was when USI, Wayne St, and Parkside came together to honor Coach Mags (2nd from right). Coach Mags coached at Wayne St and boLth Arch and Weav coached under him while at Wayne St. Coach Mags is like a father to boLth Arch and Weav as well as Disch(Wayne's current head coach). But yeah, Coach Mags is awesome and obviously has done an amazing job at teaching men how to coach the game of baseball successfully! We played Parkside on Saturday and we won. Sunday we played Wayne St and won again. Then last night was USI's first game under the lights on our own field. and WOW.. it looked awesome!! Our field is amazing!! We played Wayne St... Casey took the mound for us... Casey has been a project to say the least, he battled elbow issues in the fall of 08, was stubborn and hard headed (yeah, I can say this cause he knows he was also!) and finally in the spring of 09 he had Tommy John Surgery. So today was his first time on the bump in 2 years in a game. He was alright. He threw 4 shutout innings and seemed to get into a grove and did alright. Last night is was a close game, the kind of game where your heart races a lot and you get super excited and super frustrated at the same time. Poor ole Joe, the home plate ump, he struggled... Tyler would say "Joe, ya _____ us, ya ____ us.. you can fill in the blanks with the eff word.. it's Tylers thing when he doesn't like what an umpire decides.. We ended up winning and it was AWESOME!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
only one day till the weav returns!!
Tomorrow Coach Weave will be here!! WHOOOO HOOO!!
I am soooo excited! like, a lil kid waiting for santa -- seriously!!
I can not wait to get to the field and see him!! He is finally a head coach, yes I'm happy for him, but I'm secretly not cause I still want him to be an assistant here!!
I might be even more excited for the post game plans...prolly some dinner somewhere (turoni's prolly) and lots of LAUGHS!!
Man.. I can barely contain my excitement!! THE WEAV IS COMING BACK!!!
Well, I guess that's all i've got for now..
I do want to apologize if I seemed angry yesterday.. I really wasn't, I was just wanting all athletes to realize that at the end of the day when practice is over and y'all go home, an ATC's job is NEVER done... and I don't want you to think that for one minute it is! Remember to say thank you to your ATC's this month!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
it's been a while... sorry!!
So life as an athletic trainer is not always fun and games. Don't get me wrong, I love love love my job to much probably. But sometimes, it's extra stressful. I'll explain further in a min.. let's hit the great things first...
Baseball is winning games and doing some alright things they are currently 6-3 after beating Tiffin (a regional foe) this past weekend. Tyler (dispite a 100% crappy arm) had a great outting and kept Tiffin to 3 hits. Our other pitchers were not so great...our staff is struggling right now.. hopefully they figure it out before Friday when Parkside comes to town...
Parkside -- the home of our former assistant coach, Joel Weaver!!! I'm sooooo excited to see coach Weav this weekend. I miss him like crazy!! He is one of those awesome coaches that most ATC's don't get to work with.. and when he left, I was broken hearted.. But it is exciting to see him as the man in charge at his alma mater.. Good for him! But, we will still beat his team -- BAD -- hopefully!
Ok.. back to Tyler's arm.. On Monday we drove a quick lil 6+ hours to Birmingham AL to see Dr. Andrew's on Tuesday. Tyler, whom I have said time and time again is the hardest working athlete I've ever been privilaged to work with. His arm is hurting and it hurt last season also, none of the doctors around here that we have been to had given us any answers as to why, so we were off to see the MAN, or the KING of ELBOWS. - Dr. Andrews!! And he did not disappoint, he gave us answers and insite on why his arm was doing what it was doing. So he's going to continue pitching this season, and hopefully his arm will hold up and allow him to finish this season successfully. He will be in a pretty significant amount of pain, which breaks my heart, but he's super tough and he loves the game. So just say a lil prayer daily for him if you please could.
It's National Athletic Trainer's month.. how awesome is that!! I want all you athletes to take a min to say thanks to your athletic trainers!!! I'm not going to get on my soap box about this, but I honestly believe we have one of the most thankless jobs of all time. I wanna give you just a lil insite to this week in my life and maybe you'll understand just a lil about what I do and why I do it..
Sunday -- woke up at 530 did p90x legs and back and ab ripper, showered was at work by 8 and have had 2 cups of coffee. Got stuff ready to take to the baseball field, did pre-game treatments. BP started at 930 followed by a game starting at noon. Game ended around 4. Post game treatments after. Left work about 530 after making sure all weekend treatments were entered into our injury software. Picked up Lins for some dinner. Got home from dinner around 730. Opened an eval book and tried thinking of all the things I could think of to ask Dr. Andrews. Then the drama began... around 8 on the phone w/ Arch and David, dealing with stupid stuff that did NOT need to be dealt with. Its funny how hard you can work for people and yet at the end of the day, your best is not good enough... so after dealing with the drama -- I was SUPER angry, I called dad -- bless his heart, he had no idea what to say or do to make me happy, but he sure tried (this was one time I bet he sure wished that mom would have been home!) I then went to Jacks to just vent.. and then around 11 I came home and was in better spirits. I looked up a few more questions and finally laid in bed around 130, however I could NOT turn my mind off... so I got about 2 solid hours of sleep..
Monday - woke up at 520, did p90x and went to the rec and did an hr of cardio.. got home around 7, showered and was back to work by 745... did my morning treatments with my athlete's, wrote up treatments for tuesday (cause I was going to be outta town) had a meeting w/David, Arch, and Tyler to prepare for the Dr. Andrews visit. Went to lunch w/ Brendel. Did some afternoon treatments and paperwork, picked up a car for the drive to AL.. left for AL with Tyler and his father John around 245. DROVE and DROVE and DROVE.. stopped for some dinner -- Pizza Hut -- ole Steph thought I drank Dr. Pepper -- which I didn't.. and she couldn't get it figured out.. ate some salad and a piece of pizza and were off again.. Got to the hotel around 930.. did some (LOTS) of thinking and hardly slept at all again...
Tuesday - 6 am wake up.. went for a nice lil jog in the rain/snow in downtown Birmingham, shower at 7, straighten hair and got all ready for the appt. Checked outta the hotel, went to Dr. Andrew's office around 1015. Was there till 330ish.. Got in the car to head home -- STARVING -- found a cracker barrel.. ate some delish food for dinner -- yummmm! and headed home!! Got home around 1015, did some serious thinking and journaling about what I had learned at Dr. Andrews' office and FINALLY got some amazing sleep from 2a-6!!
Today -- I did NOT workout and was at work by 730.. caught up on paper work, read some txt book info about bone healing (just to refresh) had some good convo w/ David (my boss) and it's almost 7 and I'm waiting for Tyler to finish his workout to be able to go home and bury my head in txt books to figure out why and how modalities work together to do the best treatment possible to get his arm to freakin heal!!
So.. in general -- I do my job, work long days, and continue to keep my head in text books, to be the best I can be... I do this cause I love my job. I love seeing kids be able to do what they love doing. I really do have the greatest job ever... but I do work long long thankless hours all for others and sometimes I just need to vent about it!! lol.. tomorrow I'll do it all over again and love almost every moment of it. God has given me the ability to care way to much for others, sometimes I wander why he has given me that ability!!
Baseball is winning games and doing some alright things they are currently 6-3 after beating Tiffin (a regional foe) this past weekend. Tyler (dispite a 100% crappy arm) had a great outting and kept Tiffin to 3 hits. Our other pitchers were not so great...our staff is struggling right now.. hopefully they figure it out before Friday when Parkside comes to town...
Parkside -- the home of our former assistant coach, Joel Weaver!!! I'm sooooo excited to see coach Weav this weekend. I miss him like crazy!! He is one of those awesome coaches that most ATC's don't get to work with.. and when he left, I was broken hearted.. But it is exciting to see him as the man in charge at his alma mater.. Good for him! But, we will still beat his team -- BAD -- hopefully!
Ok.. back to Tyler's arm.. On Monday we drove a quick lil 6+ hours to Birmingham AL to see Dr. Andrew's on Tuesday. Tyler, whom I have said time and time again is the hardest working athlete I've ever been privilaged to work with. His arm is hurting and it hurt last season also, none of the doctors around here that we have been to had given us any answers as to why, so we were off to see the MAN, or the KING of ELBOWS. - Dr. Andrews!! And he did not disappoint, he gave us answers and insite on why his arm was doing what it was doing. So he's going to continue pitching this season, and hopefully his arm will hold up and allow him to finish this season successfully. He will be in a pretty significant amount of pain, which breaks my heart, but he's super tough and he loves the game. So just say a lil prayer daily for him if you please could.
It's National Athletic Trainer's month.. how awesome is that!! I want all you athletes to take a min to say thanks to your athletic trainers!!! I'm not going to get on my soap box about this, but I honestly believe we have one of the most thankless jobs of all time. I wanna give you just a lil insite to this week in my life and maybe you'll understand just a lil about what I do and why I do it..
Sunday -- woke up at 530 did p90x legs and back and ab ripper, showered was at work by 8 and have had 2 cups of coffee. Got stuff ready to take to the baseball field, did pre-game treatments. BP started at 930 followed by a game starting at noon. Game ended around 4. Post game treatments after. Left work about 530 after making sure all weekend treatments were entered into our injury software. Picked up Lins for some dinner. Got home from dinner around 730. Opened an eval book and tried thinking of all the things I could think of to ask Dr. Andrews. Then the drama began... around 8 on the phone w/ Arch and David, dealing with stupid stuff that did NOT need to be dealt with. Its funny how hard you can work for people and yet at the end of the day, your best is not good enough... so after dealing with the drama -- I was SUPER angry, I called dad -- bless his heart, he had no idea what to say or do to make me happy, but he sure tried (this was one time I bet he sure wished that mom would have been home!) I then went to Jacks to just vent.. and then around 11 I came home and was in better spirits. I looked up a few more questions and finally laid in bed around 130, however I could NOT turn my mind off... so I got about 2 solid hours of sleep..
Monday - woke up at 520, did p90x and went to the rec and did an hr of cardio.. got home around 7, showered and was back to work by 745... did my morning treatments with my athlete's, wrote up treatments for tuesday (cause I was going to be outta town) had a meeting w/David, Arch, and Tyler to prepare for the Dr. Andrews visit. Went to lunch w/ Brendel. Did some afternoon treatments and paperwork, picked up a car for the drive to AL.. left for AL with Tyler and his father John around 245. DROVE and DROVE and DROVE.. stopped for some dinner -- Pizza Hut -- ole Steph thought I drank Dr. Pepper -- which I didn't.. and she couldn't get it figured out.. ate some salad and a piece of pizza and were off again.. Got to the hotel around 930.. did some (LOTS) of thinking and hardly slept at all again...
Tuesday - 6 am wake up.. went for a nice lil jog in the rain/snow in downtown Birmingham, shower at 7, straighten hair and got all ready for the appt. Checked outta the hotel, went to Dr. Andrew's office around 1015. Was there till 330ish.. Got in the car to head home -- STARVING -- found a cracker barrel.. ate some delish food for dinner -- yummmm! and headed home!! Got home around 1015, did some serious thinking and journaling about what I had learned at Dr. Andrews' office and FINALLY got some amazing sleep from 2a-6!!
Today -- I did NOT workout and was at work by 730.. caught up on paper work, read some txt book info about bone healing (just to refresh) had some good convo w/ David (my boss) and it's almost 7 and I'm waiting for Tyler to finish his workout to be able to go home and bury my head in txt books to figure out why and how modalities work together to do the best treatment possible to get his arm to freakin heal!!
So.. in general -- I do my job, work long days, and continue to keep my head in text books, to be the best I can be... I do this cause I love my job. I love seeing kids be able to do what they love doing. I really do have the greatest job ever... but I do work long long thankless hours all for others and sometimes I just need to vent about it!! lol.. tomorrow I'll do it all over again and love almost every moment of it. God has given me the ability to care way to much for others, sometimes I wander why he has given me that ability!!
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