Year 4 of USI is coming to a close... I feel as tho, I should be moving on -- because before "real life" my life was measured in basically 4 years.. 4 years of hs, 4 years of college, 2 years of grad school... and now i've been in the real world at the same place for 4 years... but I am not ready to leave, and hopefully I won't...still waiting for 2010-11 contract.
Anyways -- this year has been something else -- I feel like I could say that every year..
The fall was - as to be expected, disappointing... mens soccer got a new coach whom actually made (or tried to make) the team act like decent human beings, those that didn't understand the concept of self respect or respect of others were booted and asked to move on w/o USI soccer... the woman, I'm going to just throw this out there, were one of the most TALENTED teams in our conference -- but it just didn't really do anything for the winning.. i've never seen a team with that much talent unable to was sad.
Winter came and went as did basketball..very sad year.. but just the other day a group of baskeball guys were sitting outside our athletic training room and they were being all loud, it just felt like Jeron's spirit was here... it was pretty cool.
and now spring has sprung and baseball/softball are winding down... it doesn't seem possible.. the year has gone way to quickly..
baseball has conference games at Quincy this weekend, not a fan of the bushleague quincy team.. hopefully we can get a 4 game sweep this weekend.. head to the conference tournament next weekend and do alright there.. then possibly host the regional.
What a year it has incredible ride. Honestly, the best part of the year, for me is the way I have gotten so much closer to God. It is truly amazing when you can lead on God to show you the way, things just are so much easier, knowing at the end of the day -- it's not about me!