My friends are pretty much the best -- EVER.
Ok, I have always had a lot of friends... growing up my friends were the neighborhood boys. I played a ton of pick up basketball, football, and baseball. In high school I had 2 groups of friends my softball teammates (girls from all over NW missouri) and my boys. I'd never say I was popular or anything like that, but I don't think I was ever lacking in the friends dept. In college is where I got my BEST friends, those people that I can talk to any time about anything and NOTHING has ever changed.. that includes Jenn, Abby, Kyle, Jill, Steph and Codeman. In grad school a few more people were added to the list. Then the tricky part happened, I move FAR far away. Now I still have my college friends, all just a txt or phone call away (thank GOD for that!). I have a few more friends -- since arriving in Evansville, one friend in particular (yes we've had ups and downs) has been there the whole time, Miss Brooklyn. Arch is def on the best list... There are a couple others, that guy, bdub and kate... we got into a ton of mischief my first two years of real adult life, but have since settled down, unless we are all together -- then the "chit show" is on.. but thankfully it isn't an every day thing..only a once (maybe twice if we are lucky) year thing. The other group of friends that have always been around, but I didn't ever really consider them friends -- my family. W
ow -- I have such an amazing family and am extremely lucky for that.
Friends make us who we are today -- and for solving the worlds problems last night w/ Jacks this is what we decided about friends --
1. Friends are people you know are going to be there whenever.
2. Friends are people you get mad at and get over being mad at in the same minute.
3. Friends are those whom you wanna be around, it's not forced.4. Jack and I really have the all the answers in life.. so contact us if you have questions...
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