These lil ladies are the LOVES of my life...Today I miss them. I miss being near them, especially lil miss Alaina. Its so easy to see why she is the "favorite". She is a lil becky. My grandparents say it all the time. And the older she gets the more I see it. She is onery, I don't have any idea where she gets that! She stole my heart the day she was born, we just bonded and she still hold my heart.

We love taking silly pictures. Because lets be serious, we are silly and never ever to serious. We are funny and laugh so very much. It's usually at Alaina or I, because once again, we are truly connected... she is the mini me.
My lil loves are the sisters I never had. Now I know I talk a lot about Alaina...
Brooke and Em are pretty wonderful also. Em is a bearcat!! and Brooke a tiger. Both are beautiful, successful college students. Em got married this summer. Yep she beat me to it, the running joke is that Alaina will beat me also...

God bless these wonderful lil loves. I ♥ them so much and miss them! They truly are my little sisters and the loves of my life!
All 4 .. the .. Puddle...
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