Last nights the USI men had a basketball game, only their 3rd in the last 4 days. Tired legs were not one bit evident!! Lake Erie was no match, USI scored over 100 again!! The courier press had this to say about the game.
The article talks

Along with winning comes rankings. USI was ranked #11 this week. Most athlete's would tell you that rankings do not really mean that much, it just puts a bigger target on their backs'. I think this is one of my favorite things about being involved with very talented teams. I love good competition and having that target means that an opponent will hopefully be ready with their best game. Therefore, it makes our teams play hard and it makes for a great game.

Other big news in USI athletics is that the baseball team had 2 Preseason All-Americans. Those two boys, being the humble men they are, would say "Preseason recognition is great, but POSTseason is what matters." That is a good point, especially for USI baseball. USI baseball has developed quite a winning tradition and this team hopefully keeps it going.
Trevor Leach (T-Rev) was named to the first team as a relief pitcher. T-Rev was very good for USI last year. He set the school record for wins in a single season, 11-0. Don't let those numbers fool you tho, he "snaked" several of those wins. He had 8 wins out of the pin and 3 as a starter. But yeah, T-Rev is good. T-Rev and I have a lil joke (more trev than me). There is a song that comes on almost daily during BP and T-Rev thinks it has a lil something to do with me. So no matter where he is at, he will holler at me "HEY BECK... Is this your theme song?" and everyone asks a million questions about the song and why lil T-Rev says it's my song. What a goober -- gotta love those lil jokesters!
Tyler was second team utility. That quote about postseason honors sums up Tyler.Mister Choate (bahahaha... inside joke) is one of the most dedicated and hard working athlete's I've ever been around (Jamar Smith, Josh Lamberson, and Blake Tekotte being a few of the others). Tyler wants to be better than any opponent on the diamond.
Today after an intense pool workout while stretching (just a little bit of proof that he goes above and beyond most of the men on his team and probably the majority of men in the conference), Tyler says "Beck, whatcha gonna write about in your blog today?" I say, "T-man, are you stalking me?" He replies "You put it on facebook that you started a blog, so after I play farmville I check out your blog." (This is just one part of T-mans daily routine, he is a creature of habit) I just went ahead and finished stretching him and did a lil IM to the hammy's with out telling him about the blog. Mister Choate will surely laugh out loud a couple times when reading this tonight.
As y'all can tell I am extremely blessed to have a job that I love and to work with such amazing people. God has blessed me with so much. I taped my first ankle in 8th grade and I haven't stopped since. I guess it was just meant to be.
In closing this blog tonight, I'd like to ask y'all for prayers for a quick recovery for my Aunt Wanda. She had surgery yesterday and she is a hard woman to keep down for to long, plus she has a family outting tomorrow night that she really would like to attend. And any one that knows Aunt Wanda knows that she won't let anyone live it down if she isn't able to make it. God love her, she is an amazing woman.
Wise children take their parents' advice, but whoever makes fun of wisdom won't listen to correction. People will be rewarded for what they say, but those who can't be trusted want only violence. Those who are careful about what they say protect their lives, but whoever speaks without thinking will be ruined. The lazy will not get what they want, but those who work hard will. Good people hate what is false, but the wicked do shameful and disgraceful things. Doing what is right protects the honest person, but doing evil ruins the sinner. Proverbs 13, 1-6.
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