My FAVORITE Christmas movie!! I love it every single time it is on -- I just can't change the channel! Since I'm talking about movies, I just got back from seeing the movie Brothers. It was a pretty good movie, I cried at several different parts of the movie. I'm not talking just teared up a little, I'm talking sniffles and real tears almost "sobbed"... I don't know exactly what I expected, but it definitely got to me. Maybe cause my lil bro is a US Marine. I still think the Blind Side is the best movie out this year, it's absolutely AWESOME!! I can not wait for it to come out on DVD.
This morning I went to the doc w/ one of the baseball boys -- he's a "freak" -- that's what Dr. Lowery called him anyways! The anatomy in his shoulder is all kinds of messed up, so with that being said, our best bet to get thru the season is LOTS of stretching and shots. As an ATC, that just hurts my heart. It makes me think, is this sport really worth it. But it's not my decision, I just try to be positive and help the athlete out as best as I can.
That is about all I did for work today! hahaha.. and it was AWESOME. I was only in the ATR for about 2 hours today!! I was there to say goodbye to some of my favorite student athlete's leaving for break.
BASKETBALL game tomorrow afternoon!! YAY! I'm so excited!
Got a txt today from lil miss Kathy Wood, asking for a b.dubs date over break!! Another great reason to get excited. Kathy used to play softball at USI, she tore her ACL her junior year, played thru it, then had it repaired before her senior year. She is probably the hardest working female athlete that I've ever worked with. (I usually don't work with female athlete's, I don't feel like I can push them as hard as I can a guy. I feel like girls are soft!) Kathy was anything but soft! She is now in physical therapy school at IUPUI. I'm so excited for her, I hope she will get a job close to e.ville when she is finished! I need her close so I can PICK HER BRAIN! I can't wait to meet up with her! I just love when athletes come back to e.ville and want to meet up with me! AWE!!
Lauren showed me the most awesome necklace I've ever seen!! Great One Divine!! It's at tracyzellers here in evansville.. and I want it BAD! check it out!!
So I am breaking down and going to read the twilight series over break...IDK what I've gotten myself into??
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