The courier press has wrote about two players the last two days that don't always get the recognition that others get... BHogg and Issac.
The boys are 19-0. Pretty awesome I think! I've said all season that this team is special. I don't know if you see how special they are just by watching them, but being around them and knowing the kind of people they are, I think that is what has made them as successful as ever this year.
In my opinion one of the hardest things in college athletics is coaching. I think it is so important for a coach to place each individual in a position for the athlete to be the most successful. That means a coach must get to know an athlete and figure out what they are best at. Coach Watson (Mens Basketball) and Coach Archuleta (Baseball) are two of the best at doing that. They find an athlete's strengths and help the athlete see those strengths and they allow the athlete to build from those strengths. In my opinion that is why those two coaches are successful. Yes sometimes they might place an athlete in a position where the athlete isn't exactly comfortable, but I believe it's because those men see something positive by placing those athletes in than uncomfortable position. I feel like Coach Archuleta recruits based on strengths, on what a kid already does that could help benefit the USI baseball program. I'm not sure how Coach Watson recruits, but I'm gonna go ahead and guess it is similar. I'll let ya know next season when we get some Coach Watson recruits.
For those of you asking about my new years resolutions -- they are going... some better than the others. The working out/healthy lifestyle is going the best! I feel absolutely amazing most days! The laundry one -- well that needs some work. This week my goal is to get it under control! Some people despise vacuuming, others it is doing the dishes, for me - laundry is the thing I don't like to do at all!! I get angry just thinking about it! This is where I wish my mom lived close!! Hahah... I'd make a deal, I'll do the dishes, vacuum, clean bathrooms, almost anything for someone else, if they would just do my laundry! But, it's not happening, so I've gotta suck it up and just do it!
Well, injury reports and chapter 14 is calling my name... So, I hope y'all are enjoying your Sunday! God Bless You!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
So I really want to get "inked"... and I'm thinking soon it's going to happen. I am getting excited! I've thought about it for quite some time, it's nothing huge or crazy, but it's something that I feel like defines me...
Basketball boys won their 18th straight last night!! Whoooohoo.. what a special team! They play again tomorrow, I'll be listening at my desk at work! I'm so very ready for those boys to play at HOME! I miss my lil buddies! Still undefeated and #2 in tha NATION! I'm excited for them.
Baseball has been inside for the past two days... it's way to cold out.. inside practices aren't wonderful, but I guess it's what it is.
Kinesio Tape?? do you believe the hype?? I don't know if I do, but I tried it on one of my lil pitchers the other day.. and he swears by it! Soooo, I guess we will use it. Part of me wants to put it on the others that are complaining. This baseball team is a gossip team.. .if one guy says something works, the majority of them believe it. Some good and some bad. Most of them haven't bought into believing that their scapula's are really important in pitching, hopefully soon that will topic will come up in their team room!! And they will start to believe that they should do their band work... we'll see! Back to kinesio tape, I need your opinions!! Does a piece of tape realllly help??
Welp -- that's all for tonight.. got pitchers at 715a, then hitters at 4p... looks like I really will get to CLEAN my apt tomorrow!! I'm sooooo excited for this! I told mom the other day, that I need her here to jump start the cleaning... Mom's are just really great at that! Just one reason why I wish we lived closer! She needs to move here!! hahah... like that will ever happen!
Basketball boys won their 18th straight last night!! Whoooohoo.. what a special team! They play again tomorrow, I'll be listening at my desk at work! I'm so very ready for those boys to play at HOME! I miss my lil buddies! Still undefeated and #2 in tha NATION! I'm excited for them.
Baseball has been inside for the past two days... it's way to cold out.. inside practices aren't wonderful, but I guess it's what it is.
Kinesio Tape?? do you believe the hype?? I don't know if I do, but I tried it on one of my lil pitchers the other day.. and he swears by it! Soooo, I guess we will use it. Part of me wants to put it on the others that are complaining. This baseball team is a gossip team.. .if one guy says something works, the majority of them believe it. Some good and some bad. Most of them haven't bought into believing that their scapula's are really important in pitching, hopefully soon that will topic will come up in their team room!! And they will start to believe that they should do their band work... we'll see! Back to kinesio tape, I need your opinions!! Does a piece of tape realllly help??
Welp -- that's all for tonight.. got pitchers at 715a, then hitters at 4p... looks like I really will get to CLEAN my apt tomorrow!! I'm sooooo excited for this! I told mom the other day, that I need her here to jump start the cleaning... Mom's are just really great at that! Just one reason why I wish we lived closer! She needs to move here!! hahah... like that will ever happen!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Dear MotherNature...
Dear MotherNature,
I feel like you are asking me to make a promise with you. So here goes, I have absolutely NO problem with sitting outside this January/February at baseball practice in all the elements you would like to throw evansville's long as... Late February, thru March those elements are gone and the temp is at least 55.. Can that be our lil deal?
Love, Beck
On a serious note, I really hope that mother nature plugs into that request. I haven't been dwelling on the coldness, I am just really ready Georgia, 13 days!! I am getting so excited for baseball 2010 season I can't wait. It is taking sooooo long to get here. Next week should go a lil quicker cause basketball has home games! Oh yeah - they are #2 right now!! How sweeeeet is that!!! That team is something else. I love them. Now now, baseball boys don't be getting all are the lil loves of my life, but basketball boys are right up there this year. I don't know why, but this basketball team is special, yes Jeron had a lot to do with that, but I loved them WAY before he started hoopin in heaven.
Baseball has had some pretty good practices outside thus far. I know things are going alright when Arch calls and asks me what I thought of practice, most of the time I don't really say anything, cause I know he is calling to tell me what he thinks of practice. That is okay with me. I like listening to him, because he is by far the smartest coach I've ever worked with. I learn so much from him and just have so much respect for him. Seriously, if you ever get a free min, you should watch USI baseball, it's pretty darn special. The guys play "Chase Utley" style baseball, Arch expects you to hustle every ball out, work hard at the dish, throw the ball where it needs to be thrown, and have an approach for what you are doing. It's wonderful when it all comes together. And those moments when one swing of the bat win's the game, you feel like a lil kid all over again. The best feeling (i think) in baseball..
Do I need to tell you just how blessed I am to have my job?? I don't think so. I just thank God every single day for giving me this gift and allowing me to be a very very small part of USI baseball.
I feel like you are asking me to make a promise with you. So here goes, I have absolutely NO problem with sitting outside this January/February at baseball practice in all the elements you would like to throw evansville's long as... Late February, thru March those elements are gone and the temp is at least 55.. Can that be our lil deal?
Love, Beck
On a serious note, I really hope that mother nature plugs into that request. I haven't been dwelling on the coldness, I am just really ready Georgia, 13 days!! I am getting so excited for baseball 2010 season I can't wait. It is taking sooooo long to get here. Next week should go a lil quicker cause basketball has home games! Oh yeah - they are #2 right now!! How sweeeeet is that!!! That team is something else. I love them. Now now, baseball boys don't be getting all are the lil loves of my life, but basketball boys are right up there this year. I don't know why, but this basketball team is special, yes Jeron had a lot to do with that, but I loved them WAY before he started hoopin in heaven.
Baseball has had some pretty good practices outside thus far. I know things are going alright when Arch calls and asks me what I thought of practice, most of the time I don't really say anything, cause I know he is calling to tell me what he thinks of practice. That is okay with me. I like listening to him, because he is by far the smartest coach I've ever worked with. I learn so much from him and just have so much respect for him. Seriously, if you ever get a free min, you should watch USI baseball, it's pretty darn special. The guys play "Chase Utley" style baseball, Arch expects you to hustle every ball out, work hard at the dish, throw the ball where it needs to be thrown, and have an approach for what you are doing. It's wonderful when it all comes together. And those moments when one swing of the bat win's the game, you feel like a lil kid all over again. The best feeling (i think) in baseball..
Do I need to tell you just how blessed I am to have my job?? I don't think so. I just thank God every single day for giving me this gift and allowing me to be a very very small part of USI baseball.
Monday, January 25, 2010
MU vs KU.. i think i'm losing $50...
Well, when Roy Williams left KU... so did I.. So tonight I put my $$$ on MU.. i'm not convinced that was the best decision for this game, but.. oh well.
Today was a pretty wonderful Monday. I just love it when kids come in and have someone else look at them, because someone else might just have a better idea.. hahah.. it really makes me laugh. Especially at kids that ar
en't really compliant anyways - they are just looking for an easy way out.. and it BACKFIRES.. hahhah.. i love it! We then had a turk melt picnic in the training room, boog, brendel, lins and I.. it was cute. Baseball in the cold and snow... the boys still working hard. Pitchers throwing in the cold.. awe - - i just love baseball.. no matter the temp, it's still sooooo relaxing and wonderful.
Another pool day for he did take the time to pose for y'all.. it's funny when he eats before working out.. he has all the energy in the world..
After the pool, i went tanning and went for a run.. AWESOME!! I'm feeling soooooo great tonight, i just wish the tigers would FIO!
and for those of you asking about this "new dude" in my life.. i'll tell ya about it when it gets serious.. cause right now, it's NOTHING to write home about.. I'm really not feeling it. Great guy, just not a great guy for me... Ya know me.. I have issues! LOL.. God will put someone in my life when he knows I'm ready to face that relationship fear.. haha.. so RELAX! nite y'all! xoxo
Today was a pretty wonderful Monday. I just love it when kids come in and have someone else look at them, because someone else might just have a better idea.. hahah.. it really makes me laugh. Especially at kids that ar
Another pool day for he did take the time to pose for y'all.. it's funny when he eats before working out.. he has all the energy in the world..
After the pool, i went tanning and went for a run.. AWESOME!! I'm feeling soooooo great tonight, i just wish the tigers would FIO!
and for those of you asking about this "new dude" in my life.. i'll tell ya about it when it gets serious.. cause right now, it's NOTHING to write home about.. I'm really not feeling it. Great guy, just not a great guy for me... Ya know me.. I have issues! LOL.. God will put someone in my life when he knows I'm ready to face that relationship fear.. haha.. so RELAX! nite y'all! xoxo
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Weekend -- What's that?
I can't even complain about my weekend -- when all my friends are asking where their weekend went, I can tell you exactly what I did...
Friday night 830pm = Fall asleep!!
Saturday 10am = wake UP!
11am = baseball practice
430pm = ER w/ one of the boys (got hit by a pitch in his elbow, notice the swelling that looks a lil golf ballish) -- went to gateway, figured the "crazies" would be less there, however this is questionable, the txt to describe the atmosphere --this place is scary. the people look like actors hired to sit in here. -- described perfectly.. @ 7pm Dr Johnson finally called, he was going to check the x-ray and get us out of that creepyness.
7ish = LEAVE ER... back to PAC -- elbow ICE
8ish = watched pregnancy pact
1015 = wake up to pounding on my door -- go next door to see my lil buddies getting ready to go out..
11 = finally go to SLEEP
Sunday 730 = wake up, shower, w/ a boy (cross-eyed cricket = yummmmmy)
815 am = nice lil 45 min run in the rain
10 am = pre-practice treatments
11-430 = practice
BECKY time after that -- included picking up the apt, tanning, workout at the rec, a NAP! What a wonderful weekend... baseball makes my world go round!
Today some one said "Thank You" to me -- I thought this was a smart "A" comment, but it was sincere. It completely made my day. I don't get thank you's often for just simply doing my job, And today I did. It was just so nice. Once in a while those two little words can mean so much, especially when you don't get to hear them that often.
Notice, how church wasn't included in that weekend... Now it's podcast time. Thank goodness my church is on podcast. Makes my life AWESOME.. God is great! Hopefully you had an awesome weekend and say "thank you" it will make someone's day!
Friday night 830pm = Fall asleep!!
Saturday 10am = wake UP!
11am = baseball practice
430pm = ER w/ one of the boys (got hit by a pitch in his elbow, notice the swelling that looks a lil golf ballish) -- went to gateway, figured the "crazies" would be less there, however this is questionable, the txt to describe the atmosphere --this place is scary. the people look like actors hired to sit in here. -- described perfectly.. @ 7pm Dr Johnson finally called, he was going to check the x-ray and get us out of that creepyness.
7ish = LEAVE ER... back to PAC -- elbow ICE
8ish = watched pregnancy pact
1015 = wake up to pounding on my door -- go next door to see my lil buddies getting ready to go out..
11 = finally go to SLEEP
Sunday 730 = wake up, shower, w/ a boy (cross-eyed cricket = yummmmmy)
815 am = nice lil 45 min run in the rain
10 am = pre-practice treatments
11-430 = practice
BECKY time after that -- included picking up the apt, tanning, workout at the rec, a NAP! What a wonderful weekend... baseball makes my world go round!
Today some one said "Thank You" to me -- I thought this was a smart "A" comment, but it was sincere. It completely made my day. I don't get thank you's often for just simply doing my job, And today I did. It was just so nice. Once in a while those two little words can mean so much, especially when you don't get to hear them that often.
Notice, how church wasn't included in that weekend... Now it's podcast time. Thank goodness my church is on podcast. Makes my life AWESOME.. God is great! Hopefully you had an awesome weekend and say "thank you" it will make someone's day!
Friday, January 22, 2010
The bigger picture
I have been on a "thinking" role at baseball practice lately. Today Royle got in on the thinking. We boLth decided that once you just have to watch baseball, you learn more than you EVER could as a player. You see things so different when you don't play. I wish I would know what I know now, when I was a competitive athlete!! Royle said that too.
Today, while watching the hitters, the majority of them were doing the right thing. Having an approach at the plate... The pitchers tho -- that seemed like a different story -- at least to me. I see most of the hitters working soooo hard every single day to get better, and the pitchers -- it doesn't seem so. Today on the bump, tman looked good...his ball was really moving and WOW you can totally tell he cares and wants to be better and he is so much better (in my opinion). It was really enjoyable to stand behind the plate and watch him throw today, having a pretty great catcher is also important (DYL!!).
It was just an all around good day for this girl outside. I like days when I see people working hard. Hard work now will hopefully pay off in May!! in just 3 short week we will play our first game -- I am getting soooo excited! Yay USI BASEBALL!!!
Today, while watching the hitters, the majority of them were doing the right thing. Having an approach at the plate... The pitchers tho -- that seemed like a different story -- at least to me. I see most of the hitters working soooo hard every single day to get better, and the pitchers -- it doesn't seem so. Today on the bump, tman looked good...his ball was really moving and WOW you can totally tell he cares and wants to be better and he is so much better (in my opinion). It was really enjoyable to stand behind the plate and watch him throw today, having a pretty great catcher is also important (DYL!!).
It was just an all around good day for this girl outside. I like days when I see people working hard. Hard work now will hopefully pay off in May!! in just 3 short week we will play our first game -- I am getting soooo excited! Yay USI BASEBALL!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
--- KEVIN GANT --- lil 50 getting it done!
Kev was AWESO
ME tonight!! WOW! I wish I could have been there in person, just listening to it on the radio gave me goosebumps!! Kev was phenomenal! Kev is a lil guy when you look at him, but he is such a BIG player. He is the point guard this year, very unselfish and very calm. Kev was Jeron's roommate. and tonight -- KEV WAS GREAT! I am soooo proud of him!
MoMo also stepped up and played awesome! The irony of this game, was both men's and women's head coaches at the University of Indianapolis are USI alumni. Those coaches understand the USI connection. U-Indy raised money during the game for Jeron's son and also gave a $500 check to his son's fund. How awesome it is to see the conference schools coming together to support each other!
Not much was going on is baseball world today from my eyes.. Inside days are never exciting to an athletic trainer, and I'm pretty sure they are not exciting to the men either. The afternoon was long and pretty boring for me.. but I guess that's ok every once in a while.
A few months ago -- some lil prankster decided to write on my car "Just Married" with hearts and all the pretty things that go w/ just married. The prankster was disappointed that I had washed off their handy work before I went to school. It was just a matter of time before I'd strike back.. a lil.. believe me I'm not finished.. However, MISTER prankster is pretending that it didn't bother him.. and he is definitely not giving me credit.. I'd like you to know, that not only did MISTER prankster get pranked today, but so did Coach Marx, who borrowed his truck! Two for One!! POINT BECK!! hahahah.. for those of you that don't know me -- i really am ornery. I get it from both my parents -- mom would tell you I get it from my dad, but I believe I get it from boLth of them! One of the best parts of the pranks today --- Dyl got blamed for it!! hahahha... When I told coach Marx it was me -- he was a lil suprised. ha.. life is sooooooo great!!
MoMo also stepped up and played awesome! The irony of this game, was both men's and women's head coaches at the University of Indianapolis are USI alumni. Those coaches understand the USI connection. U-Indy raised money during the game for Jeron's son and also gave a $500 check to his son's fund. How awesome it is to see the conference schools coming together to support each other!
Not much was going on is baseball world today from my eyes.. Inside days are never exciting to an athletic trainer, and I'm pretty sure they are not exciting to the men either. The afternoon was long and pretty boring for me.. but I guess that's ok every once in a while.
A few months ago -- some lil prankster decided to write on my car "Just Married" with hearts and all the pretty things that go w/ just married. The prankster was disappointed that I had washed off their handy work before I went to school. It was just a matter of time before I'd strike back.. a lil.. believe me I'm not finished.. However, MISTER prankster is pretending that it didn't bother him.. and he is definitely not giving me credit.. I'd like you to know, that not only did MISTER prankster get pranked today, but so did Coach Marx, who borrowed his truck! Two for One!! POINT BECK!! hahahah.. for those of you that don't know me -- i really am ornery. I get it from both my parents -- mom would tell you I get it from my dad, but I believe I get it from boLth of them! One of the best parts of the pranks today --- Dyl got blamed for it!! hahahha... When I told coach Marx it was me -- he was a lil suprised. ha.. life is sooooooo great!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Pay it forward...
This morning started AWESOME.. I have an independent study class w/ one of the basketball girls (Abby). We start this at 715am. Volleyball had individuals so I knew Lins would be coming in early also. Last night I decided, Donut Bank sounded wonderful. So I woke up at 5am, did my P90x for the morning, showered and went to Donut Bank. I ordered coffee (2 lg's for me) and a donut for lins, abs, and I. I go to the window to pay, the woman says the truck in front of me picked up my bill. HOW nice was that?? I was so excited, I asked what the person behind me cost and it was $1.50. I paid their bill. I felt so awesome! I knew today would be a wonderful day.
I then get to school and I start grading papers. This is when my mood changes very quickly. I notice that some papers look VERY much alike, I think "No way, what is the point of cheating in my class? My class is not hard enough for people to cheat in." I was furious, I felt my blood begin to boil when I saw the names on those papers that looked very much alive. Four people that I see every single day, multiple times a day. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! I have been teaching that class for four years and have never caught anyone cheating. People might have cheated in my class, but it was NOT that obvious. I was pretty angry.
I got over it though. It was their problem not mine. Baseball had an "off day" today. I still went out to the field. Had wonderful conversation with Arch. Have I mentioned how awesome I think he is? Casey threw a few fastballs off the mound, he looked alright. Tyler had a swim day today, so he got to hang out in the pool with the lil swim lesson kids (they prolly pee a lot in the pool...).
I came home and made the BEST soup I've ever made!! Jack made taco soup the other night -- I loved it -- so I made my own version and it was DELISH!!
2 cans of cheddar cheese soup
2 cups of milk
1 can whole kernel corn
1 can HOT rotel
1 lb taco meat
1 can kidney beans
WOW... YUM!! It was soooooo great. Spicy yes -- but I love spicy food! Welp -- thats all for now!
I then get to school and I start grading papers. This is when my mood changes very quickly. I notice that some papers look VERY much alike, I think "No way, what is the point of cheating in my class? My class is not hard enough for people to cheat in." I was furious, I felt my blood begin to boil when I saw the names on those papers that looked very much alive. Four people that I see every single day, multiple times a day. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! I have been teaching that class for four years and have never caught anyone cheating. People might have cheated in my class, but it was NOT that obvious. I was pretty angry.
I got over it though. It was their problem not mine. Baseball had an "off day" today. I still went out to the field. Had wonderful conversation with Arch. Have I mentioned how awesome I think he is? Casey threw a few fastballs off the mound, he looked alright. Tyler had a swim day today, so he got to hang out in the pool with the lil swim lesson kids (they prolly pee a lot in the pool...).
I came home and made the BEST soup I've ever made!! Jack made taco soup the other night -- I loved it -- so I made my own version and it was DELISH!!
2 cans of cheddar cheese soup
2 cups of milk
1 can whole kernel corn
1 can HOT rotel
1 lb taco meat
1 can kidney beans
WOW... YUM!! It was soooooo great. Spicy yes -- but I love spicy food! Welp -- thats all for now!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
baseball....awe i love baseball
With everything going on with the death of Dori, baseball is my safe haven.. I can just relax and know everything is going to be ok when I'm outside on the diamond with my boys. Who are "my boys" you may ask. Well my #1 has got to be Coach Arch... he got to USI when I got to USI, he has always been my big brother. He is the best coach in division 2 and way to good to be at USI. I say that with 100% truth. He is amazing. If I knew just 1/4 of what I know now, I would have been an amazing softball player. He has taught me so much about the game of baseball and more importantly all baseball decisions are life decisions also. Baseball is such a simple game, that's what Arch says. My other boys include and dyl... I'm sure as season continues, others will grow on me... MoneyMike our center fielder is making his way up the list. I'm getting really excited about season. I can't wait to blog about the games and road trips. I can't wait to give y'all an inside look at USI baseball.
USI basketball takes the court on Thursday evening @ the University of Indianapolis. I'll be listening! Good luck men and women. This will be the first game for boLth teams since the passing of Jeron. The teams will then travel to Ft.Wayne and go to the visitation and funeral. I know that seeing him will give them the closure they need. I saw him the night he passed, and that made it completely real to me. Please keep the USI basketball family in your prayers, these next few weeks will be really tough on them.
Tonight was the Memorial Service for Jeron at USI. There were so many people there. It was awesome, you could totally feel that Jeron was loved. It was good to see AB and Mark there. I really miss those two. Coach Herdes was also there, it is amazing how a tragedy bring people back together. God has a plan for Dori, that's what I've gotta keep in mind.
USI basketball takes the court on Thursday evening @ the University of Indianapolis. I'll be listening! Good luck men and women. This will be the first game for boLth teams since the passing of Jeron. The teams will then travel to Ft.Wayne and go to the visitation and funeral. I know that seeing him will give them the closure they need. I saw him the night he passed, and that made it completely real to me. Please keep the USI basketball family in your prayers, these next few weeks will be really tough on them.
Tonight was the Memorial Service for Jeron at USI. There were so many people there. It was awesome, you could totally feel that Jeron was loved. It was good to see AB and Mark there. I really miss those two. Coach Herdes was also there, it is amazing how a tragedy bring people back together. God has a plan for Dori, that's what I've gotta keep in mind.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
DORI -- we miss you.. RIP#40
This might be the hardest post I'll ever have to write about. Today I feel like I can finally share my feelings. First off, thank you to everyone for their prayers and thoughts, calls and emails. Thank you so much.
My last blog was about the rivalry game against KWC. I rode to the game with Lins, Ash, and Care. It started out just as a normal short lil ride to Owensboro KY (about 45 min away). We got to the game at the beginning of the 2nd half of the ladies game. USI won, the ladies played a good game and it just added to the excitement for the mens game to get started.
Now, I'd like to tell y'all what the game was like, but I honestly can't remember. I know it was back and forth and then there was 4:42 left on the clock when Dori collapsed. At the time no one knew what was going on, Lins and I are in the stands just watching. He started convulsing, I remember asking Lins if we should go get his insurance information from David's kit. I just had a feeling that he was going to be transported to the local hospital. And that is exactly what happened. I talked to David, who asked that Lins and I go to the hospital to be with Dori. And it wasn't a question, we were there. We got to the hospital and bless the heart of the woman checking people in. She put us in this small "consultation" room with tissues all over the place. We sat there for a minute, we called Jay. We went back to the regular waiting room and the woman told us we must go back into the "consultation" room, that is where they will come talk to us. So we did, but we couldn't stay there, so we went back out to the waiting room one last time. This time the woman had to be very stern with us and tell us we were not allowed in the regular waiting room we must stay in the consultation room. By this time I was really questioning what is going on. Never had I not been able to be in the ER with our athletes, never had someone not came to tell me what was going on, never had I felt like this before. It was sometime later that a Chaplin, David and Jay came into the room to tell us that Dori did not make it.
After that things were fuzzy for a while. As an Athletic Trainer, you never expect for anything like this to happen. You can never prepare for it.
Dori was more than just a basketball player to me, he was a friend. He was goofy. He gave the BEST hugs, along with Jamar.. Those two love to give me a sandwich hug. They are funny. Dori got his nickname over the summer, when he was swimming daily with Boog (whom we called Nemo). Jeron said "Why do I gotta be the female fish?" it was the only name Lins could remember besides Nemo. So that was why he had to be the female fish. Then in December when Jamel was born, Lins asked "How is your lil baby Dori" Jeron said "he is wonderful, but y'all aren't gonna call him my lil baby Dori" I always asked Dori to sit on the table with me and talk, one day he was like "why do you always ask me to sit and talk" and my reply was "cause your voice is so deep it vibrates the table and feels really wierd.." he just laughed and wouldn't sit and talk with me any more. He was a gentle giant. He was one of a kind. Him and I had a talk one day about the kind of woman he wanted to marry, just a lil small black girl. It was funny to hear him say that because he was such a big man. I really miss my lil Dori. Dori had this bark that could scare anyone, in the PAC it was scary, but not half as scary as when you walked to your car and this LOUD bark occurred. I'm not gonna lie, one day I screamed and looked around. Dori had got me. He is just standing beside this car, laughing cause he knows he got me. LOL.. Thank God for all the wonderful memories I have of Dori. It is going to be hard seeing the boys play again, but I know it will also help with the healing process. Life is so short. He loved basketball and he died playing the game he loved.
This was Dori's last facebook status:
This might be the hardest post I'll ever have to write about. Today I feel like I can finally share my feelings. First off, thank you to everyone for their prayers and thoughts, calls and emails. Thank you so much.
My last blog was about the rivalry game against KWC. I rode to the game with Lins, Ash, and Care. It started out just as a normal short lil ride to Owensboro KY (about 45 min away). We got to the game at the beginning of the 2nd half of the ladies game. USI won, the ladies played a good game and it just added to the excitement for the mens game to get started.
Now, I'd like to tell y'all what the game was like, but I honestly can't remember. I know it was back and forth and then there was 4:42 left on the clock when Dori collapsed. At the time no one knew what was going on, Lins and I are in the stands just watching. He started convulsing, I remember asking Lins if we should go get his insurance information from David's kit. I just had a feeling that he was going to be transported to the local hospital. And that is exactly what happened. I talked to David, who asked that Lins and I go to the hospital to be with Dori. And it wasn't a question, we were there. We got to the hospital and bless the heart of the woman checking people in. She put us in this small "consultation" room with tissues all over the place. We sat there for a minute, we called Jay. We went back to the regular waiting room and the woman told us we must go back into the "consultation" room, that is where they will come talk to us. So we did, but we couldn't stay there, so we went back out to the waiting room one last time. This time the woman had to be very stern with us and tell us we were not allowed in the regular waiting room we must stay in the consultation room. By this time I was really questioning what is going on. Never had I not been able to be in the ER with our athletes, never had someone not came to tell me what was going on, never had I felt like this before. It was sometime later that a Chaplin, David and Jay came into the room to tell us that Dori did not make it.
After that things were fuzzy for a while. As an Athletic Trainer, you never expect for anything like this to happen. You can never prepare for it.
Dori was more than just a basketball player to me, he was a friend. He was goofy. He gave the BEST hugs, along with Jamar.. Those two love to give me a sandwich hug. They are funny. Dori got his nickname over the summer, when he was swimming daily with Boog (whom we called Nemo). Jeron said "Why do I gotta be the female fish?" it was the only name Lins could remember besides Nemo. So that was why he had to be the female fish. Then in December when Jamel was born, Lins asked "How is your lil baby Dori" Jeron said "he is wonderful, but y'all aren't gonna call him my lil baby Dori" I always asked Dori to sit on the table with me and talk, one day he was like "why do you always ask me to sit and talk" and my reply was "cause your voice is so deep it vibrates the table and feels really wierd.." he just laughed and wouldn't sit and talk with me any more. He was a gentle giant. He was one of a kind. Him and I had a talk one day about the kind of woman he wanted to marry, just a lil small black girl. It was funny to hear him say that because he was such a big man. I really miss my lil Dori. Dori had this bark that could scare anyone, in the PAC it was scary, but not half as scary as when you walked to your car and this LOUD bark occurred. I'm not gonna lie, one day I screamed and looked around. Dori had got me. He is just standing beside this car, laughing cause he knows he got me. LOL.. Thank God for all the wonderful memories I have of Dori. It is going to be hard seeing the boys play again, but I know it will also help with the healing process. Life is so short. He loved basketball and he died playing the game he loved.
This was Dori's last facebook status:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I've gotta whole lot of chit going on...
Talk about EXHAUSTED... ready for the weekend -- but it doesn't slow down then! Welcome to spring semester beckster!! Holy Cow -- this crazy busy week makes me feel OLD! Time to get over it huh!
Tomorrow is ROADTRIP!! off to K.dub -- ps we are #5 in the nation!! k.dub is #10... I'm soooo excited, the atmosphere @ the sportscenter is great. our seats are in the rafters -- but it won't matter -- the boys will hear us! I can't wait!! Yay for a night w/ Lins, Ash and lil Turtle!! the only downside -- missing greys anatomy and jersery shore -- maybe abby will dvr it!!
Quincy comes to town this weekend -- now I do NOT like Quincy at all -- their baseball coach is so gumby and their sportsmanship is rather poor -- but STEPHY Ann is traveling with them!! Can't wait to see my lil buddy!! Whoooo hooo CMC reunion...a low key version of course...but still a ton of fun!
My lil workout buddy is gonna be gone for a couple days -- time to get self motivated... Have a great time Sheeeeen..

and to the boy that keeps txtin me to hang out -- I've gotta whole chit going on -- FIO.. beck needs some serious beck time...thanks!
this is why I blog -- I can say what I need to say. hahahah.. btw -- I'm totally enjoying readying what all the rest of you are up to!! life is AWESOME!!
oh and Tyler is still swimming yes, and yes his workouts are still hard, much harder than lil bit's cause she is no longer having to swim...thanks for asking about him -- he loves the attention!
Tomorrow is ROADTRIP!! off to K.dub -- ps we are #5 in the nation!! k.dub is #10... I'm soooo excited, the atmosphere @ the sportscenter is great. our seats are in the rafters -- but it won't matter -- the boys will hear us! I can't wait!! Yay for a night w/ Lins, Ash and lil Turtle!! the only downside -- missing greys anatomy and jersery shore -- maybe abby will dvr it!!
Quincy comes to town this weekend -- now I do NOT like Quincy at all -- their baseball coach is so gumby and their sportsmanship is rather poor -- but STEPHY Ann is traveling with them!! Can't wait to see my lil buddy!! Whoooo hooo CMC reunion...a low key version of course...but still a ton of fun!
My lil workout buddy is gonna be gone for a couple days -- time to get self motivated... Have a great time Sheeeeen..
and to the boy that keeps txtin me to hang out -- I've gotta whole chit going on -- FIO.. beck needs some serious beck time...thanks!
this is why I blog -- I can say what I need to say. hahahah.. btw -- I'm totally enjoying readying what all the rest of you are up to!! life is AWESOME!!
oh and Tyler is still swimming yes, and yes his workouts are still hard, much harder than lil bit's cause she is no longer having to swim...thanks for asking about him -- he loves the attention!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Only one month away....
GAMEDAY -- In one month -- opening day for USI baseball!! this girl is soooooo excited -- ready to get to Georgia (warm-er weather) and BASEBALL GAMES!! I really can not wait. Baseball hasn't exactly been the most wonderful team in my book this year - - but I have a feeling - - I will get over their attitudes and LOVE them once games start. I watched the pitcher today, some good stuff...I feel like the boys are coming together and are realizing the potential. awe--- i love baseball...
School is in full force, tonight I had to teach. I LOVE teaching! I had been very stressed about this class roster and how the some of the student would act in class. To my surprise some great things happened. The kid whom I thought would be very disruptive and rude, was actually quiet and attentive (I didn't give much time for the class to talk or answer questions)... and the other one I was worried about (we'll call him meanie) thru me for a HUGE loop after class. Meanie had been making my life very stressful the past 18 months and has been stubborn and hard-headed. Today after class, he finally admitted that and appologized for treating me so porely and making it so hard on me. WOW is that an answered prayer or what!! I've been praying for that to happen for so long. I love my job so much and I try to do anything I can to help my athletes out. And finally meanie realized it and what a relief that is!
Life is crazy busy right now! Off season sports (baseball, softball, volleyball) have all started their spring workouts and go in the mornings, around 630-7... Spring sports and winter sports are practicing in the afternoons... so it makes for long days. especially tuesdays (the now dreaded day of the week). Add daily workouts and FCA planning -- it stays crazy! I wouldn't have it any other way -- anyone that knows me -- knows that crazy busy is the way I LOVE to be!!
Today the long jump record was broken by Jeff "" Tillman -- untill Dyl saw it -- and set a NEW record -- I have a feeling it will take a while for it to break... Dyl has a few hidden talents besides long jumping -- he can out bearcrawl prolly anyone. Mad bearcrawling skills..
Well thats all for now... except -- if you wanna see a lil prank from the training room today -- check out this link:
School is in full force, tonight I had to teach. I LOVE teaching! I had been very stressed about this class roster and how the some of the student would act in class. To my surprise some great things happened. The kid whom I thought would be very disruptive and rude, was actually quiet and attentive (I didn't give much time for the class to talk or answer questions)... and the other one I was worried about (we'll call him meanie) thru me for a HUGE loop after class. Meanie had been making my life very stressful the past 18 months and has been stubborn and hard-headed. Today after class, he finally admitted that and appologized for treating me so porely and making it so hard on me. WOW is that an answered prayer or what!! I've been praying for that to happen for so long. I love my job so much and I try to do anything I can to help my athletes out. And finally meanie realized it and what a relief that is!
Life is crazy busy right now! Off season sports (baseball, softball, volleyball) have all started their spring workouts and go in the mornings, around 630-7... Spring sports and winter sports are practicing in the afternoons... so it makes for long days. especially tuesdays (the now dreaded day of the week). Add daily workouts and FCA planning -- it stays crazy! I wouldn't have it any other way -- anyone that knows me -- knows that crazy busy is the way I LOVE to be!!
Today the long jump record was broken by Jeff "" Tillman -- untill Dyl saw it -- and set a NEW record -- I have a feeling it will take a while for it to break... Dyl has a few hidden talents besides long jumping -- he can out bearcrawl prolly anyone. Mad bearcrawling skills..
Well thats all for now... except -- if you wanna see a lil prank from the training room today -- check out this link:
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Back To School... Spring2010
Tomorrow is the first day of classes... meaning its SPRING semester!! SPRING = BASEBALL
I have to teach night class on Tuesday...I am usually really excited about class. But for some reason (my class roster) I'm just not so excited. I am probably the most stressed I've ever been about teaching class. God has blessed me with a HUGE challenge this semester, with him, it should be ok! Keep me in your prayers...
Baseball had their first practice of the spring today. It is always an exciting day for me. The guys seem excited for the season and we have our first game in just one month!!! So much to do, sooooo little time (that's what the coaches say). I agree... I am just so excited to get started. Baseball games take me to my happy place...nothing else in the world matters when I'm in baseball game mode. It is peaceful to me. I just love it soooo much! My favorite player on our team is finally a senior (which I don't what to think about at ALL). I hope that the rest of the guys buy in to the USI way and make it a great year for MISTER favorite, as well as the other fave's!
Basketball is still undefeated. They have a big test coming up on Thursday. Kentucky Wesleyan -- probably our biggest basketball rival in the conference. K-Dub is supposed to be one of our toughest games. I think our team will be alright, but I'm sure K-dub fans would say something else.
One of my friends from high school blogged about her 25 random things about her and she is asking everyone to do it, cause it is for one of her classes... so I'll do my part to help...
1. I have a fear of people...strangers... I get very quiet and uncomfortable around people I don't know. It makes my stomach hurt when I go to a crowded place (concerts are the worst).
2. Baseball is a true love of mine... I love the game and I love when people play the game with passion.
3. Chapstick -- I don't know if it is an addiction or what -- I use it all the time.
4. I love wearing shorts... nike running shorts.. I am most comfortable in shorts.
5. When I was in 6th grade I taped my first ankle...I felt my calling. I wanted to tape ank's the rest of my life.. So that's what I do.. I have an awesome job as an athletic trainer and can rarely call going to work, work. I am so blessed!
6. I always take my ipod and blanket on every road trip. I guess they are my "comfort" things...
07. My favorite year in USI baseball thus far -- 2007 -- It was our (Arch, Weave, Durt and I's) first year here.. the fall was terrible baseball and by spring people had bought into the system and the boys won regionals and went to the world series (ended w/ 3rd).. It was AWESOME!
8. Once a bearcat, Always a bearcat. Northwest Missouri State was where I went to grad school. It was a great experience. The bearcats are whom I always root for (unless they are playing USI). There is just a bond there that you don't know about if you are not a part of it.
9. The number of two of my all time favorite athlete's I've had the pleasure of working with.
10.TEXTING -- I prefer it over talking anytime -- sorry if that is offensive to ya, but it's just me.
11. My guilty TV pleasures are Grey's Anatomy, The Hills, and Jersey Shore...
12. I have an amazing sense of smell, that often makes me sick to my stomach..
13. I LOVE MY HAIR.. it is probably the my favorite thing about myself.. It does whatever I want when ever I want -- curly or straight -- it's just AWESOME!!
14. I wear sunscreen every single day.
15. I tend to be very superstitious.. I live up to others superstitions also. If someone thinks something I do helps them do better, I'm gonna keep doing it. hence, the lil french braid, same outfits.
16. the number of my other all time favorite athlete's i've worked with...
17. Central Methodist was the best fit I could have asked for in college.. I love my time there, my friends from there, and the memories I have from there. Life was great in college, and it was a great place to prep me for my career.
18. I have a 'thing' for numbers... I say it has something to do with baseball and how baseball is all about numbers. I remember peoples jersey numbers way better than their names...
19. I love playing hide-n-seek on four wheelers at my Aunt Wanda's.
20. I could play cards with my aunts and mother for HOURS and never get bored.
21. Laughing -- I love to laugh -- I love my laugh -- I love my friends that keep me laughing -- I love my job because I can laugh all the time if I want.
22. I own a LOT of movies, mostly just sappy chic flicks.... what can I say - I'm a sucker for a good cry.
23. Roy Williams is my favorite coach. Read his book HARDWORK and he might just be your favorite also.
24. I love wearing new socks, I might or might not buy socks way more than I should.
26. CHASE UTLEY -- my favorite baseball players number...
I have to teach night class on Tuesday...I am usually really excited about class. But for some reason (my class roster) I'm just not so excited. I am probably the most stressed I've ever been about teaching class. God has blessed me with a HUGE challenge this semester, with him, it should be ok! Keep me in your prayers...
Baseball had their first practice of the spring today. It is always an exciting day for me. The guys seem excited for the season and we have our first game in just one month!!! So much to do, sooooo little time (that's what the coaches say). I agree... I am just so excited to get started. Baseball games take me to my happy place...nothing else in the world matters when I'm in baseball game mode. It is peaceful to me. I just love it soooo much! My favorite player on our team is finally a senior (which I don't what to think about at ALL). I hope that the rest of the guys buy in to the USI way and make it a great year for MISTER favorite, as well as the other fave's!
Basketball is still undefeated. They have a big test coming up on Thursday. Kentucky Wesleyan -- probably our biggest basketball rival in the conference. K-Dub is supposed to be one of our toughest games. I think our team will be alright, but I'm sure K-dub fans would say something else.
One of my friends from high school blogged about her 25 random things about her and she is asking everyone to do it, cause it is for one of her classes... so I'll do my part to help...
1. I have a fear of people...strangers... I get very quiet and uncomfortable around people I don't know. It makes my stomach hurt when I go to a crowded place (concerts are the worst).
2. Baseball is a true love of mine... I love the game and I love when people play the game with passion.
3. Chapstick -- I don't know if it is an addiction or what -- I use it all the time.
4. I love wearing shorts... nike running shorts.. I am most comfortable in shorts.
5. When I was in 6th grade I taped my first ankle...I felt my calling. I wanted to tape ank's the rest of my life.. So that's what I do.. I have an awesome job as an athletic trainer and can rarely call going to work, work. I am so blessed!
6. I always take my ipod and blanket on every road trip. I guess they are my "comfort" things...
07. My favorite year in USI baseball thus far -- 2007 -- It was our (Arch, Weave, Durt and I's) first year here.. the fall was terrible baseball and by spring people had bought into the system and the boys won regionals and went to the world series (ended w/ 3rd).. It was AWESOME!
8. Once a bearcat, Always a bearcat. Northwest Missouri State was where I went to grad school. It was a great experience. The bearcats are whom I always root for (unless they are playing USI). There is just a bond there that you don't know about if you are not a part of it.
9. The number of two of my all time favorite athlete's I've had the pleasure of working with.
10.TEXTING -- I prefer it over talking anytime -- sorry if that is offensive to ya, but it's just me.
11. My guilty TV pleasures are Grey's Anatomy, The Hills, and Jersey Shore...
12. I have an amazing sense of smell, that often makes me sick to my stomach..
13. I LOVE MY HAIR.. it is probably the my favorite thing about myself.. It does whatever I want when ever I want -- curly or straight -- it's just AWESOME!!
14. I wear sunscreen every single day.
15. I tend to be very superstitious.. I live up to others superstitions also. If someone thinks something I do helps them do better, I'm gonna keep doing it. hence, the lil french braid, same outfits.
16. the number of my other all time favorite athlete's i've worked with...
17. Central Methodist was the best fit I could have asked for in college.. I love my time there, my friends from there, and the memories I have from there. Life was great in college, and it was a great place to prep me for my career.
18. I have a 'thing' for numbers... I say it has something to do with baseball and how baseball is all about numbers. I remember peoples jersey numbers way better than their names...
19. I love playing hide-n-seek on four wheelers at my Aunt Wanda's.
20. I could play cards with my aunts and mother for HOURS and never get bored.
21. Laughing -- I love to laugh -- I love my laugh -- I love my friends that keep me laughing -- I love my job because I can laugh all the time if I want.
22. I own a LOT of movies, mostly just sappy chic flicks.... what can I say - I'm a sucker for a good cry.
23. Roy Williams is my favorite coach. Read his book HARDWORK and he might just be your favorite also.
24. I love wearing new socks, I might or might not buy socks way more than I should.
26. CHASE UTLEY -- my favorite baseball players number...
Friday, January 8, 2010 all of D2...
Some people wander what all these numbers are all about? Well for anyone that knows me at all knows that I am a HUGE baseball fan -- and well -- baseball is all about numbers! USI baseball is ranked #33 this PreSeason. Not bad - I think we will end up way better than that. Practice starts on Sunday...the first day of the 2010 season! Talk about exciting!! I hope it is a good year. Winning games makes my job easier (not that I need an easier job). When teams are winning, aches and pains do not seem to be so bothersome. Hence, making my job easier. A few athletes have been trickling in this week to be stretched, something about having Beck stretch them is way better for them than them stretching themselves. I don't know, but it's ok. Just another perk of my job!
How about Missouri S&T beating up on our womens basketball team. Holy Cow I didn't see that one coming!! But yeah, they def were prepared way better than USI. One of my old teammates from the Blue Angels days is the asst coach at Missouri S&T, Keri Hessel. She must have done her homework for this game.
The men also had a tough outing but came away with a win. BahamaBaller had a great game, as well as, Ty and Dori. B.Hogg did some good things and Issac had some key rebounds (these two did the things that won't show up in the stats...but were much needed!).
Evansville finally got a little bit of snow...and let me tell you...this place has NO idea at all how to deal with the snow! People tend to freak out! Now that I live on the west side of the city it doesn't bother me very much. I only have to drive about 1.5 miles to work instead of 15 and my lil car is pretty awesome in this mess. This mess I'm describing is about 3 inches (at most) of snow. At my parents house in MO, they have like over a foot... if that happened in Eville... I'd hate to see how people would react! Instead of snow, Eville usually gets a pretty decent ice storm, that is about the extent of severe weather. And it really never gets that cold, rarely does the temp even flirt with single digits, so it's really a pretty great place to live.
So I totally forgot to mention the LONG JUMPING contest that Dylan started in the training room. He would like for anyone and everyone to try to break his record. So whoever would like to try let him or I know... GOOOD LUCK!
Some people wander what all these numbers are all about? Well for anyone that knows me at all knows that I am a HUGE baseball fan -- and well -- baseball is all about numbers! USI baseball is ranked #33 this PreSeason. Not bad - I think we will end up way better than that. Practice starts on Sunday...the first day of the 2010 season! Talk about exciting!! I hope it is a good year. Winning games makes my job easier (not that I need an easier job). When teams are winning, aches and pains do not seem to be so bothersome. Hence, making my job easier. A few athletes have been trickling in this week to be stretched, something about having Beck stretch them is way better for them than them stretching themselves. I don't know, but it's ok. Just another perk of my job!
How about Missouri S&T beating up on our womens basketball team. Holy Cow I didn't see that one coming!! But yeah, they def were prepared way better than USI. One of my old teammates from the Blue Angels days is the asst coach at Missouri S&T, Keri Hessel. She must have done her homework for this game.
The men also had a tough outing but came away with a win. BahamaBaller had a great game, as well as, Ty and Dori. B.Hogg did some good things and Issac had some key rebounds (these two did the things that won't show up in the stats...but were much needed!).
Evansville finally got a little bit of snow...and let me tell you...this place has NO idea at all how to deal with the snow! People tend to freak out! Now that I live on the west side of the city it doesn't bother me very much. I only have to drive about 1.5 miles to work instead of 15 and my lil car is pretty awesome in this mess. This mess I'm describing is about 3 inches (at most) of snow. At my parents house in MO, they have like over a foot... if that happened in Eville... I'd hate to see how people would react! Instead of snow, Eville usually gets a pretty decent ice storm, that is about the extent of severe weather. And it really never gets that cold, rarely does the temp even flirt with single digits, so it's really a pretty great place to live.
So I totally forgot to mention the LONG JUMPING contest that Dylan started in the training room. He would like for anyone and everyone to try to break his record. So whoever would like to try let him or I know... GOOOD LUCK!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
This picture captures the young man that I see every day. He is sooooo excited for his teammates. He is being their cheerleader. I am one of the lucky ones that gets to see this side of him daily. He is the one during practice saying "Lets go men!" "Yeah -- Shoot that!" He high fives his teammates often and helps to make everyone better. It is a very awesome thing to see daily.
The men are still undefeated! Jamar and Ellen (a junior guard on the woman's team) are boLth NCAA Division II players of the month. wOw!!! Good for them. What an exciting time to be a part of USI basketball. On a serious note, if you get a chance, you should watch them play in person, it can be pretty darn memorizing.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Another win...40 points!!
Too bad I wasn't there to see the smashing that the basketball team gave to IL-Springfield. Jamar almost beat them all by himself. He had 40 points!! And being the unselfish player that he is, he requested coming out of the game instead of scoring just 6 more points to break the single game scoring record of 45. He took a seat the last 4 minutes of the game. What a team player. The men have just 16 more games to play. And hopefully 16 more victories and an undefeated season. The girls also won. That makes 10 in a row (or something like that) for them.
Yesterday we took an adventure to the north. Stops included Wanda's for a lil bit and a wonderful massage, then dad went to Kurts to do something, and we went to see Grandpa Scroogie and grandma too.
Scroogie was full of it! He was so funny! Grandma made meatloaf, smashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and green beans. Talk about delish!! It was soooo good. Grandma makes the best sweet potatoes EVER!! I've tried to ask what she does, but she doesn't know, she just throws some stuff in the pot and cooks the potatoes in it.... hmmm.. After eating Scroogie decided it was pie time, he offered everyone pie before eating about half of the pie himself. (for those of you that don't know, Scroogie is about 5'3 and 110lbs...just a lil grandpa) He was so funny eating that pie. It was great seeing him! I always look forward to spending time with him when I'm home.
We then got home and not long after the snow began to fall, and fall, and fall... it fell until about 230 today! I was beginning to get stressed that I wouldn't be able to make it back to Indiana tomorrow, but I think I will be just fine! I plan on heading out around 645 in the morning.
Home has been nice, but I'm ready to be back in my routine. I have a lil bit of stuff to complete before the kids come back and class starts on the 11th. I'm excited to get baseball started and to watch just how good our mens basketball team could possibly be! 2010 is going to be GREAT!!!
Yesterday we took an adventure to the north. Stops included Wanda's for a lil bit and a wonderful massage, then dad went to Kurts to do something, and we went to see Grandpa Scroogie and grandma too.
Scroogie was full of it! He was so funny! Grandma made meatloaf, smashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and green beans. Talk about delish!! It was soooo good. Grandma makes the best sweet potatoes EVER!! I've tried to ask what she does, but she doesn't know, she just throws some stuff in the pot and cooks the potatoes in it.... hmmm.. After eating Scroogie decided it was pie time, he offered everyone pie before eating about half of the pie himself. (for those of you that don't know, Scroogie is about 5'3 and 110lbs...just a lil grandpa) He was so funny eating that pie. It was great seeing him! I always look forward to spending time with him when I'm home.
We then got home and not long after the snow began to fall, and fall, and fall... it fell until about 230 today! I was beginning to get stressed that I wouldn't be able to make it back to Indiana tomorrow, but I think I will be just fine! I plan on heading out around 645 in the morning.
Home has been nice, but I'm ready to be back in my routine. I have a lil bit of stuff to complete before the kids come back and class starts on the 11th. I'm excited to get baseball started and to watch just how good our mens basketball team could possibly be! 2010 is going to be GREAT!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Ducks in the puddle...Shillelagh
VACATION to NW Missouri...where to begin. The journey started yesterday morning with Brooklyn taking me to get my car for the trip. I got a 2010 Chevy Impala. Yes it was very nice. I got started around 830am and took off toward NW Missouri. While driving thru the boring state of Illinois I thought I should stop by CMU. I figured that basketball would have practice, so I'd get to see Jill and Coach Sherman. I txted Jill and facebooked Coach Sherman and soon enough I had responces from them boLth. "Yes basketball was practicing, they were to start their second practice at 2." Jill said I should just come to her house because she was hosting a bowl party for her family. I thought that would work out just awesome.. So I went to see her at her house. What a beautiful MIZZOU family they are! Evan was so talkative and Paul is getting sooooo big and Jill, well she is simply the most amazing athletic trainer and person she has always been, the only thing better about her now is she is an extraordianary MOTHER!! Lots of talking and laughs were among us all. It was great seeing them. Those Pratte's sure are great people and on a side note -- amazing baseball people also. GO MIZZOU BASEBALL!!!
Then I continued west on I70 to KC and then HOME!! Dad had made an amazing meatload and mustard potatoes for dinner -- YUMMMM.. my most favorite meal! Oh yeah -- about celebrating the new year -- was alseep before 10pm. Big time partier on my side huh!!
Today was a great way to bring in the new year. Played Wii with mom, doing Wii Fit, I'm not gonna lie, these hips don't either when it comes to the hula hooping! I'm AMAZING!! hahah... funny thing tho --when I was younger I couldn't hula hoop to save my soul! We then made our goodies to take to Aunt Corks -- yummy corn stuff and decent broc stuff.
It was off to Aunt Corks around noon. And yes it was a great lil drive to see her and the rest of the family. I read my new book about Roy Williams on the drive and mom slept while dad got us safely there. I am always the featured guest of honor at all family gatherings since I have moved far away. I almost always have a celebrity welcoming. Everyone stops what they are doing and loud cheers arise as I enter the house. Being the humble person I am, I wave and give hugs and say "Carry on everyone, carry on!" The last of the family arive and prayer is given. My mom had the honor of blessing the food this year, it is a job that she or Uncle Tom do very well. Mom however, this time forgot someone in her prayer -- nothing was mentioned at the time -- but she forgot the rich.
After a hearty meal and great fellowship gifts were handed out. Our family has a one at a time rule. We start with the youngest. This way the lil ones can open their gifts and then go play and us adults can open ours. This years gift giving had a theme -- "S" -- and $25 limit. I had Bretts name and I gave him "Spare Change and Spending Money" I think he liked his gift this year. I received the best gift tho -- a SHILLELAGH -- Aunt Cork worked very very hard to find me the perfect "S" gift. And boy was it PERFECT.. What you as is a SHILLELAGH?? It is an Irish Fighting Club. Why did I want an Irish Fighting Club?? She came up with a "S" name for a rolling pin!! So the b.mcginnis.bakery finally has a rolling pin!!
After gifts became grandkid picture time.. the 4 ducks in the puddle went first... Followed by the boys. All in all it was a wonderful day with a very blessed family. Never a dull moment thanks to Uncle Keith -- he received silly string and was going to "silly string Aunt Cork" to the bed tonight! hmmm....
Life is just such a blessing! I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful family. What a great start to 2010!!
Then I continued west on I70 to KC and then HOME!! Dad had made an amazing meatload and mustard potatoes for dinner -- YUMMMM.. my most favorite meal! Oh yeah -- about celebrating the new year -- was alseep before 10pm. Big time partier on my side huh!!
Today was a great way to bring in the new year. Played Wii with mom, doing Wii Fit, I'm not gonna lie, these hips don't either when it comes to the hula hooping! I'm AMAZING!! hahah... funny thing tho --when I was younger I couldn't hula hoop to save my soul! We then made our goodies to take to Aunt Corks -- yummy corn stuff and decent broc stuff.
It was off to Aunt Corks around noon. And yes it was a great lil drive to see her and the rest of the family. I read my new book about Roy Williams on the drive and mom slept while dad got us safely there. I am always the featured guest of honor at all family gatherings since I have moved far away. I almost always have a celebrity welcoming. Everyone stops what they are doing and loud cheers arise as I enter the house. Being the humble person I am, I wave and give hugs and say "Carry on everyone, carry on!" The last of the family arive and prayer is given. My mom had the honor of blessing the food this year, it is a job that she or Uncle Tom do very well. Mom however, this time forgot someone in her prayer -- nothing was mentioned at the time -- but she forgot the rich.
After a hearty meal and great fellowship gifts were handed out. Our family has a one at a time rule. We start with the youngest. This way the lil ones can open their gifts and then go play and us adults can open ours. This years gift giving had a theme -- "S" -- and $25 limit. I had Bretts name and I gave him "Spare Change and Spending Money" I think he liked his gift this year. I received the best gift tho -- a SHILLELAGH -- Aunt Cork worked very very hard to find me the perfect "S" gift. And boy was it PERFECT.. What you as is a SHILLELAGH?? It is an Irish Fighting Club. Why did I want an Irish Fighting Club?? She came up with a "S" name for a rolling pin!! So the b.mcginnis.bakery finally has a rolling pin!!
After gifts became grandkid picture time.. the 4 ducks in the puddle went first... Followed by the boys. All in all it was a wonderful day with a very blessed family. Never a dull moment thanks to Uncle Keith -- he received silly string and was going to "silly string Aunt Cork" to the bed tonight! hmmm....
Life is just such a blessing! I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful family. What a great start to 2010!!
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