Tomorrow is ROADTRIP!! off to K.dub -- ps we are #5 in the nation!! k.dub is #10... I'm soooo excited, the atmosphere @ the sportscenter is great. our seats are in the rafters -- but it won't matter -- the boys will hear us! I can't wait!! Yay for a night w/ Lins, Ash and lil Turtle!! the only downside -- missing greys anatomy and jersery shore -- maybe abby will dvr it!!
Quincy comes to town this weekend -- now I do NOT like Quincy at all -- their baseball coach is so gumby and their sportsmanship is rather poor -- but STEPHY Ann is traveling with them!! Can't wait to see my lil buddy!! Whoooo hooo CMC reunion...a low key version of course...but still a ton of fun!
My lil workout buddy is gonna be gone for a couple days -- time to get self motivated... Have a great time Sheeeeen..
and to the boy that keeps txtin me to hang out -- I've gotta whole chit going on -- FIO.. beck needs some serious beck time...thanks!
this is why I blog -- I can say what I need to say. hahahah.. btw -- I'm totally enjoying readying what all the rest of you are up to!! life is AWESOME!!
oh and Tyler is still swimming yes, and yes his workouts are still hard, much harder than lil bit's cause she is no longer having to swim...thanks for asking about him -- he loves the attention!
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