Friday night 830pm = Fall asleep!!
Saturday 10am = wake UP!
11am = baseball practice
430pm = ER w/ one of the boys (got hit by a pitch in his elbow, notice the swelling that looks a lil golf ballish) -- went to gateway, figured the "crazies" would be less there, however this is questionable, the txt to describe the atmosphere --this place is scary. the people look like actors hired to sit in here. -- described perfectly.. @ 7pm Dr Johnson finally called, he was going to check the x-ray and get us out of that creepyness.
7ish = LEAVE ER... back to PAC -- elbow ICE
8ish = watched pregnancy pact
1015 = wake up to pounding on my door -- go next door to see my lil buddies getting ready to go out..
11 = finally go to SLEEP
Sunday 730 = wake up, shower, w/ a boy (cross-eyed cricket = yummmmmy)
815 am = nice lil 45 min run in the rain
10 am = pre-practice treatments
11-430 = practice
BECKY time after that -- included picking up the apt, tanning, workout at the rec, a NAP! What a wonderful weekend... baseball makes my world go round!
Today some one said "Thank You" to me -- I thought this was a smart "A" comment, but it was sincere. It completely made my day. I don't get thank you's often for just simply doing my job, And today I did. It was just so nice. Once in a while those two little words can mean so much, especially when you don't get to hear them that often.
Notice, how church wasn't included in that weekend... Now it's podcast time. Thank goodness my church is on podcast. Makes my life AWESOME.. God is great! Hopefully you had an awesome weekend and say "thank you" it will make someone's day!
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