Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Brandon Carr aka Boog is BACK!! After sitting out last semester he is BACK!! Now our team an unstoppable 11 men has 12!! When most other teams play 8-10 people, we play 12!! 12 men that only go 100% the entire time they are on the floor!! It pays off -- 11-0!! This team is so much fun to watch! Jamar is mesmerizing, Ty can DUNK, but the thing I love most is the TEAM DEFENSE. This team can gaurd. And they are IN YOUR FACE!! I love it!!

The girls had a game tonight too... it, unlike the mens' game last night, was not at all fun to watch. There ended up being 64 turnovers total!! UGLY!! USI women are winning, but sometimes it's not exactly the most fun thing to watch. I am a defense person. I love when people play hard defense, cause a turnover, take a charge, hustle to get a steal, that is what I LOVE. And for this team, well, when someone does one of those things that are momentum changers --- well, then next play they are taken out. I just don't
get it at all, I guess that's why I'm just an observer and not a coach. Lil Cootie is my defensive love!! She plays hard the whole time and she is soooo talented on defense. She is a sophomore and she is gonna be really great! And yeah her real, legal name is Cootie!! haha..

Welp, I'm off to Missouri first thing i
n the morning!! I'm sooooo excited (not to drive, wish I could snap my fingers and just be there) but yea to see my family. I love going to my parents for a few days, their dog Hope is just soooo excited to see me. She is the best dog ever!! I can't wait to see her!! I should probably finish packing and get to sleep!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

the truth about being me being a Christian

A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek him first to find her.
When I say that 'I am a Christian', I am not shouting that I am clean living. I'm whispering I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and needed Christ to be my guide.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I am not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou, I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow!

I got this as an e-mail today. It sums me up. Hopefully it describes you a little bit also. God is so great and everything is about him.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Countdown!!! 4 days!

Oh how I love my job...however, getting high off paint fumes during work is not my idea of fun! Two days in a row of being in a freshly varnished non-ventilated room = huge headache and stomach sickness!! arggg...

My bosses flight got delayed or something... so that kinda flew my plans for the day a lil off. I worked (by working I mean watched) womans basketball. Was supposed to put thru a pool work out, that got pushed back an hour or so. But we made it to the pool. And like always, never a dull moment with Tyler around. He is such a funny person, always has something to say about everything. He is going to make something of himself, this I am sure of.

He came back from break saying sink a lil differently. I think it will flow in his every day conversation. His grandpaul has a very unique vocab that the longer Tyler is home, the more he talks like it! hahah.. But what can I say - NOTHING.. cause everyone says I talk funny too! I tend to emphasis "T's" a little bit more than the average person. I also add an "L" in the word boLth. Isn't it funny how people talk. Today coach R.dub says lots of people he has coached say "F's" instead of "th" like mouth (mouf) both (bo--f) lol.. get the point.

I worked mens basketball again today also. So funny. R.dub threw a baseball pass at the back board and made it, I think Jamie (b.hogg's brother) and I were the only ones who witnessed the crazy shot. Speaking of Jamie, he was at practice for a lil bit today. He is so funny, a lot like b.hogg. I can only imagine what it is like to be a fly on their wall at home! You've gotta have your head on the tilt there for sure.. ahahhah.

So I started my new years resolution today, well one of them -- not to get so worked up by the things people (tyler) says just to get under my skin. I am going to be more carefree about what people say...hopefully it lasts!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

#10 -- Yay.

I figured I could blog just a lil bit while the boys are lifting weights...

Last night I could not sleep at ALL!! I watched The Holiday TWICE completely and finally fell asleep around 230 during the third viewing of this amazing movie! So I woke up at 7 this morning, wide awake. It's now 9 and I'm ready for BED!

The girls had practice first today, I kinda dread watching their practices. But today it wasn't as bad as it usually is... only about 150 "Listens" compared to the millions in previous years. No one was really looking for excuses to "get out" of practice. There were still those mysterious injuries that linger around, but all in all, it wasn't bad.

The men went after. I couldn't help but laugh so much. First thing I remember laughing at was an "Oh shit" by the CongoKing (Who doesn't even speak english very well). Then the BahamaBaller and all his wise comments. Can't forget the team "neck"ing of batman -- silly kid forgot the play after they just went over it. And Ty's missed dunks are always funny. 100 free throws I was memorized by Jamar and Marv, not only do they have such great shooting skills, but Jamar never stops talking. He had some seafood for Christmas dinner at his girls house, fell asleep at 730 and didn't wake up till 10 today, that's like 15 hrs of sleep man... FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY! R.dub getting punked by DT was the icing on the cake.

So many people complain about their jobs, but one thing I know, is I am sooooo lucky to have a job that I LOVE. I can laugh and just enjoy it most of the time.

Well, Jamar is in here for a massage -- Good evening friends! oh btw -- the boys have moved up to #10, in case you were wandering about the title!

Friday, December 25, 2009

CHRISTmas -- It's not about us...

Today Christmas blog is going to be about a poem... A poem I got from a great athletic trainer when I graduated from grad school, The AMAZING Kelly Quinlin, Head Athletic Trainer @ Northwest!!

An Athletic Trainer's Creed
We accept the responsibility for those athletes, who come to two-a-days over weight and out of shape (Simo), who want you to lie about their height stats (Bev) who can never find their practice uniform.
And we accept responsibility for those; who run slower than everyone else, who are from places we wouldn't be caught dead in (MoMo), who have never been away from home (Myles, Evan, Geoff, Brooklyn).
We accept responsibility for those athletes; who bring in weeks worth of ace bandages (George, Shauni, Steph), who hug us when they are soaked with sweat and blood (JAMAR, Dyl, Dori, Nolan, Matt, Tea).
We accept responsibility for those; who will always sit on the bench (bless Jenna's heart), who will forever play on the "scrub" team (Collin), who will never get their uniforms dirty, who won't ever see their names in the paper, whose names people skim over in the team program, whose skills are lousy, but whose hearts are strong.
We accept responsibility for athletes; who are declared ineligible before they play their first game (boog), who beg for aspirin, but forget to take it (Care), who are always late for treatment (George, Shauni, Nanc, Skums), who lie about taking showers after practice (SAM, beth, ali, basically all players), who say they have night class, just to get to dinner on time, who squirm when they have to get dressed up (ME), who tears we sometimes laugh at (sam, george) and who's smiles make us cry (Matt, Chilly, Tea, Tyler, Dyl, Jamar).
We accept responsibility for those; who have feet that always smell (Gates), who get angry for having to sit out at practice (Brendel), who hate going to the doctors (Tyler), whose egos are bigger than their bodies (Case), who never want to be carried off the court, who always want to keep playing, even when their bodies no longer can (Tyler, Austin, Shauni, Mary, Ade, Kate, Still, Tro, Mac).
We accept responsibility for those who want to be the greatest, and for those who truly will be (d.mas, dave, kehrt, blake-o, tyler, lambo, code, d.rabe), ,for those who never give up or quit (Jenna), for those who play hard, no matter what the score (b.hogg, abby, nicky.p).
God grant us the courage to accept those athletes, no matter what size, shape, skill, or personality. Grant us the strength to do our best, care fore them when they are hurt, encourage them when they are down, understand them when they are defeated, celebrate them when they are victorious.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve

This Christmas eve I'm in Evansville, my parents are at home in Holt, and my lil brother is in somewhere Carolina. I think this is hard on my parents, but they aren't showing it. Instead, they are hanging out with Pam and Jeff. (their very good friends and neighbors.) And let me tell you -- they all have a great time when they are together. I talked to them a lil bit ago, they were telling me how church is canceled cause of the blizzard, but it is ok because they have wine and beer and they might just have their own candlelight service if the electricity goes out. I'm actually thankful that I'm in eville, blizzard conditions just don't seem that fun to me! Hopefully when I'm ready to go home next week, the weather will be alright so I can have safe travels.

Can I just tell you that Jeff is one of the funniest most sentimental men in the world, growing up he would always write the most hilarious Christmas letters!! It is one of my favorite things about him. He always makes me laugh, almost to the point of peeing in my pants! What a mess!! God Bless him and Pam, they are such wonderful people.

I talked to my grandparents also tonight. This is the first year they can remember not going to Aunt Wanda's on Christmas eve and to church. Christmas eve, Candlelight Church services are my favorite! I went to this lil baptist church this afternoon and they had a cute lil candlelight service, it was awesome. I love when everyone is celebrating Jesus' birth -- it's not about us.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Awe that sounds soooo nice! BREAK!! I am so fortunate to work in the college setting! I get little breaks during the year and summers off!! This Christmas I have a little time off. I have to work a little bit of basketball on the 26-28th. The 31st I'm off to head to my parents house!! I will be there for a few days.

People have been asking, what are you going to do for Christmas? I think I will attend as many Christmas Eve services as I can. I think that sounds like a great idea. It is very interesting to me to hear all the different interpretation of the bible around this time of the year. I am excited to hear which verses will be discussed and how a preacher will tie it all together with their sermon! I LOVE this time of the year!

The past couple of days have been so RELAXING! Saturday evening was a ton of fun. Games at Jacks -- a lil apps to apps and catchphrase! Then off for a night of dancing w/ Brooklyn! We went to RiRa's and Hammerheads for 80's nite!! It was super fun!

So far break has consisted of watching TV, taking numerous naps, cleaning the apt, veggin out w/ friends, and reading a little bit! How sweet it is to have some time off work!!

I forgot to mention the boys had a game Saturday afternoon...and WOW... Jamar is so impressive! The boys played Urbana, and well, it wasn't much of a game! USI men's basketball is still undefeated -- PRETTY SWEET!! The local tv station must be bored -- they decided to do a special on CJ aka BatMan...

Friday, December 18, 2009

- - ELF - -

My FAVORITE Christmas movie!! I love it every single time it is on -- I just can't change the channel! Since I'm talking about movies, I just got back from seeing the movie Brothers. It was a pretty good movie, I cried at several different parts of the movie. I'm not talking just teared up a little, I'm talking sniffles and real tears almost "sobbed"... I don't know exactly what I expected, but it definitely got to me. Maybe cause my lil bro is a US Marine. I still think the Blind Side is the best movie out this year, it's absolutely AWESOME!! I can not wait for it to come out on DVD.

This morning I went to the doc w/ one of the baseball boys -- he's a "freak" -- that's what Dr. Lowery called him anyways! The anatomy in his shoulder is all kinds of messed up, so with that being said, our best bet to get thru the season is LOTS of stretching and shots. As an ATC, that just hurts my heart. It makes me think, is this sport really worth it. But it's not my decision, I just try to be positive and help the athlete out as best as I can.

That is about all I did for work today! hahaha.. and it was AWESOME. I was only in the ATR for about 2 hours today!! I was there to say goodbye to some of my favorite student athlete's leaving for break.

BASKETBALL game tomorrow afternoon!! YAY! I'm so excited!

Got a txt today from lil miss Kathy Wood, asking for a b.dubs date over break!! Another great reason to get excited. Kathy used to play softball at USI, she tore her ACL her junior year, played thru it, then had it repaired before her senior year. She is probably the hardest working female athlete that I've ever worked with. (I usually don't work with female athlete's, I don't feel like I can push them as hard as I can a guy. I feel like girls are soft!) Kathy was anything but soft! She is now in physical therapy school at IUPUI. I'm so excited for her, I hope she will get a job close to e.ville when she is finished! I need her close so I can PICK HER BRAIN! I can't wait to meet up with her! I just love when athletes come back to e.ville and want to meet up with me! AWE!!

Lauren showed me the most awesome necklace I've ever seen!! Great One Divine!! It's at tracyzellers here in evansville.. and I want it BAD! check it out!!

So I am breaking down and going to read the twilight series over break...IDK what I've gotten myself into??

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Today was the first day (during finals week) that I didn't sit on the tall taping table all morning long, I did however go to my "spot" around 1130. LOL.. That's why finals week is so great, social time!! Some people would argue that my whole job is social time -- who really knows.

Who closes the loft on Thursday??? Lins and I walked to the UC to get some lunch and the loft was closed till after break -- WHAT!! I'm sure going to miss Ricky telling me what beautiful brown eyes I have (my eyes are CLEARLY blue)..bless his heart. Today was a successful trip past the founTain, I did not push anyone in it. However, a few hours later I did kick Lins' chair. The devil was messing with me (that's what B.Hogg always says!)

Tyler wanted to play me in horse today. The whole time he didn't hesitate to tell me all these random facts about all the records he set in high school. Did you know that if he were taller he would have played basketball over baseball...little does he know, but if he were taller his fast ball might be a lil better, his slider might have more bite and he might be a higher draft pick for baseball -- chew on that for a min T-man. Anyways - yes he beat me. Anyone who watched me play much should know that I wasn't really a scorer, I was a SHORT post. I played HARD defense and got several steals and assists -- kicking the ball out to Rach, Nat, Nichole, or Ang to shoot, Lord knows if I would have shot in the paint that would be a block and a turnover every time.

After horse it was on to another pool workout. Today was a tough one. Tyler was treading and about at the 7 min mark he looked at me and said "You treat Nancy like a princess and me like a slave." On a serious note, I do not do that, but I do expect him to work harder. Not only did he have a hard pool workout, but he also got in the cold tub for the second time (See y'all it really does work!!!)

I had an AWESOME dinner tonight w/some pretty great people. Lots of Laughs!! Great time!!

With all this talk about people getting hyped to go home, I'm not going to lie -- I can't wait either!! Dec 31st won't come soon enough!!

Oh and TWINS!! My cousin Adam and his wife are PREGGERS with TWIN GIRLS!! I am sooooo excited for them. Adam needs lil girls!! God is GREAT! Aunt Wanda is going to go NUTS spoiling them -- Wanda is Adam's mom! These lil twins will be her 3rd and 4th grandchildren. My mom is probably ready for her 2nd!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

....Guilty Pleasure=Grey's and the Hills....

Man -- I LOVE Greys Anatomy and the Hills... it's nothing for me to come home and watch either one of them any given day. I don't own any season's of the Hills, but I do have all 5 season of Greys. AWE!!! I think Lauren is awesome and Alex is my fav!!

I wander why L
ins says I'm so random?? hahah.. today I really wanted to push her into the founTain by the UC, like really really wanted to!! After thinking very hard - I decided against it. Just picture this, me pushing my lil GA into a foot and a half of water, her grabbing me, pulling me in with her. Her starting to swing on me, me laughing cause she is screaming "don't get my hair wet" (black girls have this thing about getting their hair wet)... I start laughing on the walk back to the office and she says "What, what are you laughing at???" I tell her the story and she said, "it's a good thing you didn't, what would David say?" (David is our head ATC) my reply was "He'd prolly say, want me to put skin lube on it so it doesn't hurt so bad?" we both laughed out loud. Then we hear "BECKY" -- all the while we see Lil Bit ducking down trying to hide. (Lil Bit is one of my lil soccer girls) I say "Nancy, I see you!" She was bummed.. She was trying to pull a fast one over on me. I'm the queen of jokes!! Not today Lil Bit -- better luck next time.

Lins above... Lil Bit to the right... what am I going to do next year without my lil twin Lins.
Funny side note -- Lil Bit's twin is La! Twins in our lives are those ppl who you always see with us. Lins and I are never far apart and Lil Bit and La are the same way -- I LOVE MY TWIN!!

The b.mcginnis.bakery's tasty treats were a huge hit today! B.Hogg ate the majority of the carrotcake c's. Those were a big hit! Everyone that tried them really liked them. That's really exciting to me, cause I just love love love baking them! The p.b. rice crispy t's were the fave of Dyl (poor guy's allergic to eggs) Rick and MoMo.. Lins and David's common bond is strawberry's c's. Dori and Anaris loved the choc browns. So yeah, I'd say everything was a hit! Yeah for me and the b.mcginnis.bakery!!

Talk about big steps -- T-man got in the cold whirlpool!! He got in at 70 degrees, but holding on to a heat pack he allowed me to put just two (or 10) scoops of ice in it. And guess what --- his legs "feel pretty good actually!" Yeah me! And a great big YEAH for T-man!!

Aunt Wanda didn't get to go to the play with the rest of the fam tonight. She was in pretty good spirits when I talked to her this morning, she just said "I just know they are all going to talk about me!" What a goof ball!! She is so funny. Please don't get the wrong impression of her, she is the middle child (#3 of 5) and she is SO not a middle child! Bless her heart and love her to death but she is almost always the center of attention (well, when I'm not around!). Anyways she is wonderful and I love her to pieces!

No time like the present to discuss the wonderful Adam's women who have made me the person I am today! First of all my mother, WHAT A WOMAN!! She is my hero and my rock. Her and her 3 sisters (Cork, Wanda and Nanc) and her mother are the strongest women in faith in my life. My grandma raised them right and I must say, they are raising us/have raised us right. I love them for all the wonderful things they do for me, most of all for the things they don't say and the actions they do. Once again I'm sooooo blessed to have such awesome strong christian influences in my life!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


b.mcginnis.bakery --- just a lil name I like to write on the packages of the cookies I deliver! I found out in grad school (@ Northwest Missouri State -- NATIONAL CHAMPS 2009) that I LOVE to bake, and if I must say so myself -- I am pretty darn good at it!! I love to bake cookies. So tonight I've been busy baking tasty treats for my lil athletes tomorrow! Tonight I made carrotcake c's, strawberry c's, choc/mint/whitechoc c's, choc browns and pb rice krispy t's!! (yeah I abbreviate, I like to, it's my thing!) and in between all of that I talked to my wonderful mother, wrote this blog (cause Tyler expects it after he tends to his farm), texted several people, and JAMMED out to Christmas music!!

Last nights the USI men had a basketball game, only their 3rd in the last 4 day
s. Tired legs were not one bit evident!! Lake Erie was no match, USI scored over 100 again!! The courier press had this to say about the game.

The article talks
a lot about "Pretty Nicky" (well, that's what I call him, and he's ok with it, cause he loves when I bake c's, and if he says anything mean about it, he won't get c's -- what a run on sentence, amyjackson would be angry! sorry!!) Nick is junior on this years amazing team. It seems like only yesterday he was this lil but tall freshman. Pretty Nicky has always been a shooter, but hasn't always had the confidence that he possess this year. He is playing AWESOME, and he is playing defense too! This team is just so much fun to watch! Look for more postings about Pretty Nicky.

Along with winning comes rankings. USI was ranked #11 this week. Most athlete's would tell you that rankings do not really mean that much, it just puts a bigger target on their
backs'. I think this is one of my favorite things about being involved with very talented teams. I love good competition and having that target means that an opponent will hopefully be ready with their best game. Therefore, it makes our teams play hard and it makes for a great game.

Other big news in USI athletics is that the baseball team had 2 Preseason All-Americans. Those two boys, being the humble men they are, would say "Preseason recognition is great, but POSTseason is what matters." That is a good point, especially for USI baseball. USI baseball has developed quite a winning tradition and this team hopefully keeps it going.

Trevor Leach (T-Rev) was named to the first team as a relief pitcher. T-Rev was very good for USI last year. He set the school record for wins in a single season, 11-0. Don't let those numbers fool you tho, he "snaked" several of those wins. He had 8 wins out of the pin and 3 as a starter. But yeah, T-Rev is good. T-Rev and I have a lil joke (more trev than me). There is a song that comes on almost daily during BP and T-Rev thinks it has a lil something to do with me. So no matter where he is at, he will holler at me "HEY BECK... Is this your theme song?" and everyone asks a million questions about the song and why lil T-Rev says it's my song. What a goober -- gotta love those lil jokesters!

Tyler was second team utility. That quote about postseason honors sums up Tyler.Mister Choate (bahahaha... inside joke) is one of the most dedicated and hard working athlete's I've ever been around (Jamar Smith, Josh Lamberson, and Blake Tekotte being a few of the others). Tyler wants to be better than any opponent on the diamond.

Today after an intense pool workout while stretching (just a little bit of proof that he goes above and beyond most of the men on his team and probably the majority of men in the conference), Tyler says "Beck, whatcha gonna write about in your blog today?" I say, "T-man, are you stalking me?" He replies "You put it on facebook that you started a blog, so after I play farmville I check out your blog." (This is just one part of T-mans daily routine, he is a creature of habit) I just went ahead and finished stretching him and did a lil IM to the hammy's with out telling him about the blog. Mister Choate will surely laugh out loud a couple times when reading this tonight.

As y'all can tell I am extremely blessed to have a job that I love and to work with such amazing people. God has blessed me with so much. I taped my first ankle in 8th grade and I haven't stopped since. I guess it was just meant to be.

In closing this blog tonight, I'd like to ask y'all for prayers for a quick recovery for my Aunt Wanda. She had surgery yesterday and she is a hard woman to keep down for to long, plus she has a family outting tomorrow night that she really would like to attend. And any one that knows Aunt Wanda knows that she won't let anyone live it down if she isn't able to make it. God love her, she is an amazing woman.

Wise children take their parents' advice, but whoever makes fun of wisdom won't listen to correction. People will be rewarded for what they say, but those who can't be trusted want only violence. Those who are careful about what they say protect their lives, but whoever speaks without thinking will be ruined. The lazy will not get what they want, but those who work hard will. Good people hate what is false, but the wicked do shameful and disgraceful things. Doing what is right protects the honest person, but doing evil ruins the sinner. Proverbs 13, 1-6.

Monday, December 14, 2009

God is so GREAT

Today is a wonderful day. I am soooooo blessed. I have a job that a love and an amazing family. God takes care of me.

Myles Burnsides deserves this trophy! He has been my favorite Bearcat since day one. More to come later!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Still talking about being National Champs!!

The excitement still hasn't died down. I am sooooo pumped for the Bearcats!!

Also, USI basketball has another victory under their belt. B.Hogg had a great game as well as Jamar. The boys play again on Monday. Then on Saturday -- The Return of BOOG!! This week is going to be GREAT!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


What a GREAT day! God is so GOOD!

Northwest is finally (this was their 5th title game in 5 years) the Division II National Champion in football! Once a BEARCAT...Always a BEARCAT. Congrats Coach T and the rest of Bearcat Football nation.

This beautiful little girl knows who to cheer for ------------->
We raise them up right!

Today while facebooking I read my old roommate fr
om college's blog and I decide I would try this. So here goes!

I am a sports fan! My blog will include tons of information about how much I love my job and my athletes. I love love love baseball and like basketball again.. I love college sports! And I love Division 2!!

Currently our men's basketball program is on suspension, which is really sad. But the guys have come together and have been playing awesome. Making me love basketball all over again. Our team is led by former Big 10 Freshmen of the Year Jamar Smith. I can tell you that Jamar is more than just an amazing basketball player, he is a wonderful person. You will find him always smiling, dribbling two balls all over the PAC and singing at the top of his lungs. He makes me smile and I love watching him play! Along with
Jamar is 5 other wonderful seniors. Marv is our BahamaBaller! He is always smiling and talking trash -- but God love him. Then there is BOOG. Boog love carrot cookies, he proposed to me because of those cookies. Dori is the BIG man in the middle. He is also known as the teddybear of the team, but we won't share that with our opponents. Ty is the DUNKER of the team. Ty is tall and skinny and loves to dunk the basketball team. Issac is the workhorse...the Jerod Haase of this USI team. Issac is a wonderful pitcher also, so hopefully after basketball he will gladly hang up the hightops for a nice pair of red spikes!! We could use him on the bump this year. That is the senior class for USI this year... left to right: Marvin Gray, Brandon "boog" Carr, Jeron "dori" Lewis, Tyrone Bradshaw, Issac Stoll, and Jamar Smith. The coaching staff is brand new this year -- head man Rodney Watson (I call him R.Dub) -- aren't all great coaches R.Dubs ROY WILLIAMS?? assistants Derrick Tilman (DT) and Gerad Good... I look forward to telling more about this wonderful team, along with our baseball team who is looking for another trip to the Division II Baseball World Series.